What happens after you manage to find your way back from the afterlife not once but twice? That's the question that the new trailer for The Leftovers Season 3 poses, tantalizing viewers with their most substantive look yet at the final eight episodes of the mysterious HBO drama. When the Season 2 finale aired in December of 2015, the show by Damon Lindelof and Tom Perrotta had not yet been officially renewed, which is perhaps why they crafted such a satisfying ending to that season. But now that there is more story for them to tell, the question is… what's next?
Well, if this two-minute trailer is any indication, the answer is quite a lot, actually. Just because Kevin Garvey survived death twice doesn't mean his journey is finished. The Leftovers has always been a show steeped in spiritual symbolism and philosophy — but the Season 3 trailer goes full-on religious, with baptisms, biblical floods, and talk of the actual literal Second Coming of Christ. There are also surprising character revelations, plenty of violence, a killer cliffhanger, and even a koala bear.
This all seems to be leading up to something game-changing and groundbreaking… and, as these 16 WTF moments tease, it's going to be quite the bumpy ride getting to this show's epic conclusion.
1. Call The Police
Kevin quit his job as sheriff of Mapleton when he and his family packed up and moved to Texas at the beginning of Season 2. But when he was in the hotel purgatory for the second time in the finale, he picked the police uniform out of the closet instead of the spy suit he wore the first time around. It appears that decision has stuck, since Kevin now appears to be working as a cop in Jarden.
2. Happy Anniversary
While Season 1 started on the anniversary of the Sudden Departure, Season 3 is leading up to another Sudden Departure anniversary: the seventh, on which Matt Jamison hints that "something" might happen. What will it be? Another Departure? The return of the Departed? A full-blown Rapture? The end of the world?
3. A Prophecy
Matt's not the only one making ominous portents for the future. Chilling with his son on the roof of his home in Australia, Kevin Sr. warns that on the anniversary, "the rains will come, and with them a great flood." I hope someone's building an ark.
4. Like Father, Like Son
First we saw Kevin Jr. back in his uniform, and here we see a shot of former sheriff Kevin Sr. in his as well. Even more intriguing, we also see a quick shot of Tommy also in a uniform, continuing the tradition of Garvey men going into law enforcement — even though he's not technically a Garvey by birth. Also, it looks like he's defending the Guilty Remnant from another riot similar to the one they started at the anniversary ceremony in the Season 1 premiere.
5. Jump For Joy
Considering that next door neighbors Nora Durst and Erika Murphy were frequently at each other's throats in Season 2, it's interesting to see them enjoying a weirdly happy moment, bouncing on a trampoline together. Something tells me such unbridled joy will be a rare commodity in Season 3.
6. The Final Countdown
It appears that Matt and Kevin Sr. aren't the only ones convinced the world is ending. Someone else has partaken in an elaborate bit of Wicked Witch-esque skywriting, warning Laurie Garvey — and anyone else watching — that they have less than two weeks and counting before… something happens.
7. The Jarden Of Eden
Here we are again in the Jarden city commons… and I have no idea what that giant balloon man is. It looks like a Macy's Thanksgiving parade float that was rejected for being too nightmarish.
8. Michael The Baptist
It seems that Kevin's experiences with the afterlife have led him to find religion, since we see him here getting a full-immersion baptism in a river from Michael Murphy. If Michael (the son of John) is the baptist, then does that make Kevin…?
9. Personal Jesus
Yep, the Christ metaphor isn't just subtext; it's literal text. "I'm not Jesus," Kevin insists. "I'm not saying you are," Matt responds. "But the beard looks good on you." Kevin isn't too happy about this compliment. I guess he's self-conscious about his facial hair.
10. Inside The Box
It looks like Nora will continue her trend of being by far the show's most fascinating character, as she's seen here lying down in a coffin-like box. Is this a crate that a "Loved One" — the replica of a Departed person's body — might be shipped in?
11. Bear With Me
First a giant balloon man and now a creepy koala costume? Season 3 is really upping the "weird" factor — and that's saying something for The Leftovers.
12. I'm On A Boat
Whatever's happening on this vessel seems pretty dire. I'm definitely most intrigued to find out what this subplot is about.
13. Dig It
In the midst of a violent montage is a quick shot of Matt hitting someone in the head with a shovel. What could have driven him to such violent ends?
14. Let The Rain Come Down
Either what we're seeing here are visions or dreams, or Kevin Sr. was right about that whole rain thing.
15. Bath Time
Apparently Kevin is pretty confident about his immortality after surviving death twice, because, in the trailer's climactic moment, he asks his dad to hold him underwater for some mysterious reason. This also ties in with what appears to be a pretty consistent water theme for Season 3: floods, baptisms, boats, rain, bath tubs… What does it all mean?
16. Family Reunion
The trailer ends with the most shocking moment of all: an anonymous voice on the phone, asking Nora if she wants to see her children again. Is the person claiming they can bring her Departed kids back? Or are they suggesting they know how to send Nora wherever it is that they went? If it's the latter, would Nora stay with the new family she's made on Earth… or would she follow her children into the afterlife? Decisions, decisions.
The end begins when The Leftovers Season 3 premieres on HBO on Sunday, April 16. It honestly can't come soon enough… even if I never want it to end.