One of the best parts about the release of a new Star Wars movies is getting the chance to watch your favorite Star Wars cast members all together in interviews. In this exclusive video from the Last Jedi press junket in LA, The Last Jedi cast gets grilled on all things Star Wars, and it turns out that the new generation of intergalactic humanoids have a pretty good handle on the series' history.
Daisy Ridley (Rey), Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker), Gwendoline Christie (Captain Phasma), John Boyega (Finn), and more are among the cast members whose Star Wars knowledge get put to the test. Since the ensemble is filled with hilarious individuals, you can imagine that they handle their hard-hitting questions like "How many hands have been cut off in the Star Wars universe?" with grace. Many of them, like Domhnall Gleeson (General Hux), Boyega, and Ridley, guess that fewer than six hands had been lost over the seven already-released films, but they are underestimating the Dark Side. Laura Dern, who plays Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo in the upcoming film, guesses that eight hands have been lost — presumably by lightsaber — and even that is too low to the actual answer of 14 hands. Gleeson and Andy Serkis (Supreme Leader Snoke) have the same reaction that you probably did, which is to gasp, "14 hands?"
The whole trivia game is filled with fun moments from the band of heroes and villains, including a sing-along to the Cantina song, which Ridley proudly hums and Oscar Isaac (Poe Dameron) somehow manages to make incredibly sexy. If you thought that Isaac couldn't get any hotter than when he's masterfully flying a Resistance X-Wing, you need to see him hum a little trombone sound while slightly shimmying. See the whole video here, and marvel at the cuteness.
You'll likely notice that Kelly Marie Tran hesitates at the thought of a Star Wars trivia game, but she nails the answer about the dubious "Han shot first" question and of course Yoda's greatest quote. Tran has been a delightful cast member to watch during The Last Jedi's publicity tour as her bubbly energy jumps through the screen and the fact that she cried on the red carpet at the movie's premiere made everyone say "same." Being in Star Wars is a big deal for anyone, but Tran has an especially important role in the saga's universe as she's the first Asian-American woman to star in a Star Wars movie, according to Rolling Stone.
The cast of The Last Jedi seem like they have a great bond, which you can tell just by looking at behind-the-scenes photos. In a way, being friends off set is a part of the Star Wars tradition itself, as Hamill and the late Carrie Fisher's friendship demonstrates. The new generation of Star Wars cast members seem to have a great relationship with each other, especially Oscar Isaac and John Boyega, who together make up FinnPoe — the friendship that has shippers wish was more than a platonic situation. The two actors have undeniable chemistry on-screen, and it seems they get along in real life as well. Then again, it's almost impossible for Isaac to not make everyone fall in love with him. As Boyega once said, "Good lord he's handsome."
If you can't be a Star Wars cast member, the second-best option is to watch everyone who is, because they're all so charming together. Their humor — and light saber mastery — is part of what made The Force Awakens so great, and it will undoubtedly also help put The Last Jedi down in the books as one of the best Star Wars films ever.