3 Things Astrologers Recommend Doing Before Mercury Retrograde Ends Tomorrow

Congratulations, you've made it through Mercury retrograde, summer 2019 edition, in one piece. It wasn't easy, and at times you probably thought about quitting your job or restarting your life in a new country, but you've proved to yourself that you're more durable than you thought you were, and now you're better for it. With only just a few more hours before the planet of communication and moves back into its rightful direction, you might be wondering: what now? Well first, there are a few things you can do before the last day of Mercury retrograde summer 2019 on July 31 to really make the most of all you've been through over the past 25 days.
Bustle talked to astrologer Kyle Thomas about what efforts we should be making during these last few hours — because hey, we've all come this far, so we want to make sure we're doing it right and going out with a cosmic bang. According to Thomas, no matter how you look at it, Mercury retrograde is a blessing from the universe to slow down, look back, and review all that you've missed. "During this time, we notice crucial and vital news that we must address. Sometimes its revealed to us through communication breakdowns, but it can also be through our intuition, too," Thomas tells Bustle.
To help make sense of all that we've been through, these are the 11th hour activities that Thomas suggests to help utilize our retrograde experiences and turn them into something progressive for Leo season and beyond:
Have A Major Journal Session
The universe has been giving you messages for the last three weeks, so take the time to think about them and write them down so you can keep them with you. According to Thomas, many of the thoughts you've had this month were direct messages from the universe, so transcribe them and look back at them in future months to come. There might be a helpful perspective that you can refer to.
Reach Out To The One Who Got Away
If someone from your past has been on your mind this month, now is your last change to reach out to them with the odds in your favor. During this time, we're all thinking about people from the past, so now is that special time in which you might reach out only to find out that they were thinking about you too. According to Thomas, this is the last open window for past love until Nov. 2019.
Smooth Out Relationships
Take some quiet time for yourself and meditate — you need a recharge more than you know. During this time, miscommunications that rubbed you the wrong way or that were never smoothed out might surface. Now is the time to reach out to friends, co-workers and family members who you had less than pleasant interactions with this month and make things right. Ensuring that there's no bad blood will set you on a great path for Virgo season, when things will be intense again and you won't have the time to make amends in the same way.