This weekend is a big one when it comes to astrology, as the June 2020 full moon (which happens to be the last full moon of the spring season) rises in all its glory and intensity on Friday, June 5. Full moons are a time of increased energy and connection, but this one might feel like someone turned its intensity meter up to hyperdrive, because it's also a lunar eclipse. Eclipses have the potential to bring about dizzying changes, and all zodiac signs will feel the intensity of this full moon/eclipse combo platter. But the zodiac signs most affected by the June 2020 full moon can expect seismic shifts in their personal lives, impacting everything from work and relationships to identity and emotions.
The full moon/lunar eclipse is taking place in the fiery, spiritually-minded sign of Sagittarius, which is illuminating our collective higher consciousness and helping us to re-examine our philosophies, moral stances, and world views — and perhaps also throwing some unexpected twists and turns onto our paths. Lunar eclipses are sort of like amplified versions of full moons, so the energy can be a little chaotic. This is further amplified by the moon's friction-filled opposition to Venus retrograde (which can create confusion and drama in our love lives), as well as a tense and frustrating square aspect to hot-headed planet Mars, which has the potential to bring scalding-hot emotions to the surface.
Friday's full moon is an intense ride for all the zodiac signs, but the four signs most affected by the June 2020 full moon lunar eclipse will want to take some extra care to move slowly, react calmly, and roll with the changes. Read on to find out if you're one of them.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Both Venus retrograde and the sun are currently in your sign, and they'll be in opposition to the full moon/lunar eclipse this weekend. That said, you can expect to feel a ton of friction, especially when it comes to your one-on-one relationships. Look out for drama in your love life or in work partnerships — you could experience shifts in the way you think about and relate to these relationships, for better or worse. However, try not to act impulsively on anything that comes to light. Let the dust settle and process your feelings before making any major decisions.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
Your career and public image is in the spotlight under the luminary this weekend, Virgo, and you're likely to feel some deep shifts when it comes to the way you relate to your work and overall life path. While it may feel like things are finally coming to a head when it comes to work-related projects, don't let your guard down just yet. The eclipse energy has the power to radically transform this part of your life and perhaps even re-route your personal compass, which could change your focus and help you see things from a new and broader perspective. Stay open to the possibility of wanting to redefine yourself.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
The full moon eclipse is lighting up your sign, Sag, which brings a ton of mind-expanding and intense energy your way. It's illuminating aspects of your identity that perhaps you had barely begun to process. Consider this a spiritual awakening of sorts — you're likely to start pulling feelings, beliefs, and innate knowledge from deep in your subconscious and flaunting it on the surface. And that's OK! Wearing your heart (and soul) on your sleeve only makes you more authentic, and that'll attract the right type of people and energies into your inner circle.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
Hot-tempered and fiery planet Mars is currently in your sign, Pisces, and it's forming a tense and emotionally-fraught square to the weekend's full moon, which has the potential to bring long-simmering anger, frustrations, and pent-up feelings up to the surface. You might find yourself overwhelmed and triggered, feeling like deeply-rooted issues are coming to the surface uncontrollably, and finding it hard to escape. Instead of trying to swallow it down or releasing it all in a high-pressured emotional explosion, talk things out slowly and with lots of care, and channel your natural flow of empathy.