We can always count on fireworks for fourth of July weekend, but this year, expect fireworks of the emotional sort, too — because the July 2020 full moon (which takes place late-night on July 4, or just after midnight July 5 on eastern time) is also a lunar eclipse, and it's bursting with intensity and sparks. Eclipses in astrology are always intense because they deal with aligning our fates, and lunar eclipses in particular tend to bring energies to a conclusion in a dramatic, unexpected, or mind-blowing way. This weekend is bound to be a wild cosmic ride on both a personal and collective level — but for the few lucky zodiac signs least affected by the July 2020 full moon eclipse, the energy should feel more exciting than stressful.
This particular eclipse takes place in the goal-oriented and authoritative sign of Capricorn, and it marks the final eclipse in a series that took place in Cancer and Capricorn over the past two years. The Cancer/Capricorn eclipse cycle began in 2018, and as this is the final showing in the series, we're officially learning our final lessons and purging out the last bits of energetic baggage. "This lunar eclipse is sure to be cathartic," astrologer Shawnte Cato tells Bustle. "Look back to what was happening at the end of December 2019 for an idea of how this energy will manifest for you." The last time we experienced an eclipse in Capricorn was on Dec. 26, 2019, so this is likely to bring whatever energy you were dealing with then to a climactic closure.
Ready for the transformational and illuminating energy of this weekend's powerhouse lunation? Take a seat — and thank your lucky stars if you happen to be one of the zodiac signs least affected by the July 2020 full moon eclipse.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Your personal growth has been on hyperdrive over the past couple years, Taurus, and under the light of this weekend's full moon, you should be able to see the results of your hard work with more clarity. "Your need to expand is at an all-time high right now, and you are headed in the right direction," Cato says. "Let go of your fears this eclipse. Everything you need has arrived." Even if outside circumstances shift and change forms, trust that your inner compass is leading you to exactly where you should be headed — and that some exciting new adventures await you on the other side.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Money and value are forms of energy, and this eclipse is here to remind you that making money is an endeavor that goes further than skin deep — in fact, it sometimes requires some soul searching. That said, if things begin to shift in your financial sector this weekend, don't be nervous, because it's likely to be a good thing. "Finances and work prospects are likely to see a boost, and these opportunities could come to you by way of a passion that deeply inspires you and helps others win the process," Cato says. "Be open to receiving what you've been working so hard for." Your gifts might show up in unexpected packaging, Sag, so clear away any expectations and allow yourself to be surprised by what the universe delivers.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
With the full moon eclipse taking place in your sign (and wrapping up an entire two year series of eclipses that took place in your sector of the zodiac), this weekend will be especially sparkly for you — but honestly, all you have to do is sit back and allow the universe to unfold. "You have been training for this, Capricorn. It's time to release the old and fully step into your sense of new," Cato says. "This eclipse could even come with a healthy dose of love and success." This luminary brings a deep sense of closure for you, which clears the space for some beautiful new beginnings. Stay open to whatever surprises are in store as your reality restructures around you.