Brace Yourselves — The 'Grey's Anatomy' Season 15 Finale Will Be "Unexpected"

There's still a few weeks before the Grey's Anatomy Season 15 finale comes along, but it's never too early to start dreading whatever heart-wrenching curveball Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital will deliver to close out the year. And apparently, it's going to be a doozy. In a new interview with Gold Derby, showrunner Krista Vernoff hinted that the Season 15 Grey's Anatomy finale will pull out all the stops, and that no one will see it coming.
"We took some big swings. We were bold. [It's] exciting," Vernoff said with a laugh. Grey's writer Elisabeth R. Finch, who was also interviewed, even noted that it's one of her favorite finales the show has ever done. "It's unexpected!" Vernoff continued. "We're not resting on our laurels in Season 15."
I am stressed! What could they possibly mean? It's not uncommon for Grey's to leave viewers hanging with a cliffhanger, obviously, but it's unclear whether an existing situation will explode in an unforeseen way, or if a completely new conflict will rear its head.
This season has already had its share of big moments for the doctors: Jo's emotional meeting with her mother, Catherine's cancer treatment, Meredith and DeLuca's romance, and all the baby/foster children drama between Amelia, Teddy, and Owen come to mind. None of those exactly seem like a powder keg ready to blow, but things could change at the drop of a hat.
So, what could we be dealing with when the finale finally comes? Theoretically, anything is possible. There could be another large-scale disaster of some kind — fate is not often in Seattle's favor when it comes to Grey's Anatomy. This is the same hospital staff that's endured active shooters, massive windstorms, earthquakes, sinkholes, explosions, plane crashes, ferry crashes, car crashes, and more! Disaster is basically always around the corner, so definitely prepare yourself for some kind of catastrophe.
There's also the idea that unexpected issues could come up with Teddy's pregnancy. Doctors at Grey Sloan aren't often blessed with peaceful and complication-free births — just ask Bailey, April, Callie, Amelia, Meredith, and various pregnant patients from over the years. Or perhaps someone will become surprise pregnant again — Meredith and DeLuca? Maggie and Jackson? Amelia and Link? Richard and Catherine?! OK, probably not that last one. But you never know in ShondaLand!
Maybe a long lost relative will show up — it's been a while since we last learned that Meredith had yet another secret sister, and if we're being honest, there's probably at least one more out there somewhere. There are also plenty of unexpected guests who have been mentioned but have yet to drop in, like Alex's sister and Amelia's ex, and any of them could certainly throw a wrench in things.
On another note, there are plenty of romances that could take drastic turns. Alex and Jo are on the rocks after Jo's visit to her mom — if she doesn't soon find a way to talk to her husband about what she's going through, it could spell disaster. And after last week's speech from his sister, there's Owen to think about — he could absolutely be poised to usurp Teddy and Koracick's relationship. DeLuca and Meredith are a strange one, too. They've always seemed like a bit of an odd pair to me, and he was just recently mourning the loss of another relationship. Who knows what could happen there.
Whatever goes down, Vernoff promises that it's big. Maybe I'm just a cynic, and I'm wrongly assuming it'll be a heartbreaking or complicated development. I'd love to be wrong, and I totally might be. Until it unfolds in front of us, we'll just have to wait patiently, box of tissues in hand, just in case.