At this point, chances are good that you've already watched all of HBO's Game of Thrones seasons up until the very last episode — it feels like most of this planet is obsessed with the show (and for good reason). If you've only seen each episode once, what's stopping you from rewatching the series from the beginning? It would probably make the latest episodes a lot less confusing for you: Game of Thrones is heavy on the details, and missing one little thing could leave you feeling behind. You always notice more when you watch for a second time! Or maybe you just want to relive some of the best past moments of the show, and who could blame you? There are just so many episodes to choose from that it can be hard to know where to start if you're not going to start at the beginning.
Fortunately, as with most things, you can turn to your zodiac sign to get a better idea of which GoT episode you should give a second (or third, or fourth) watch. Your zodiac sign says a lot about your personality, as well as your likes and dislikes, and could be a clue as to which episode you'll enjoy rewatching the most.
This guide will especially come in handy when the series is over (which, unfortunately, is happening way too soon), so take a look and keep these in mind. Below are the best Game of Thrones episodes to rewatch according to your zodiac sign — enjoy!
Aries (March 21 - April 19) "The Lion and The Rose," Season 4, Episode 2
Sure, it features a prominent death scene... but it's also a prominent death scene of one of the most evil characters in Game of Thrones history, Joffrey Baratheon. Aries signs will like reliving the joy seeing this terrible character die, so, it makes sense that they should rewatch "The Lion and The Rose."
Taurus (April 20 - May 20): "You Win or You Die," Season 1, Episode 7
Taurus is a sign that is known for being reliable, dedicated, and loyal, but also stubborn and uncompromising. You'd probably enjoy the episode "You Win or You Die" with an extra look at the details: Ned stays loyal and true to himself by doing what he thinks is right and confronting Cersei about the real reason Jon Arryn died, Drogo promises to help Daenerys in her path towards becoming the true Queen, and a dying Robert Baratheon does what he can to ensure that the Iron Throne stays within the right family.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20): "The Bear and the Maiden Fair," Season 3, Episode 7
As a Gemini, you are generally a charming, outgoing, smart person who likes to be social and can adapt to anything. But you have another side to you as well: you can be indecisive and inconsistent. You would enjoy rewatching the episode "The Bear and The Maiden Fair," where we see a side of Jaime Lannister we aren't used to seeing when he steps in and actually helps Brienne of Tarth win her battle against the bear.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22): "A Knight of The Seven Kingdoms," Season 8, Episode 2
As a Cancer, you're known for being extremely emotional. You are moody, sensitive, empathetic, and even a little manipulative. Because of how emotional you are, you'd enjoy rewatching Season 8's "A Knight of The Seven Kingdoms," one of the most emotional episodes of the show. Between Brienne being knighted by Jaime, Arya reaching out for a physical connection, and the hints of relationships between several characters, this is definitely one you can relate to.
Leo (July 23 - August 22): "Fire and Blood," Season 1, Episode 10
Leos are the star of the show, the ones who love to be the center of attention, the sign that can't be happy unless all eyes are on them. You could say Daenerys is a little like this as well in her quest to be Queen. That said, you'd probably enjoy her incredible scene in this episode where she overcomes heartbreak, gives birth to her dragons, and shows her true potential.
Virgo (August 23 - September 23): “The Dragon and the Wolf," Season 7, Episode 7
Virgos are hard workers who are all about loyalty and making logical decisions. You'd like to rewatch "The Dragon and The Wolf," when an unlikely crew of people come together to discuss what they can do to actually survive the war between the living and the dead. Instead of fighting, they're talking, trying to come up with a solution that will work — well, most of them are, anyway.
Libra (September 23 - October 22): "The Mountain and the Viper," Season 4, Episode 8
As a Libra, with scales as your symbol, you are all about balance and everything being fair. You want to see justice served when needed! So, you should rewatch "The Mountain and the Viper," which is basically all about Oberyn Martell serving as Tyrion's champion so that he can beat and kill Ser Gregor "The Mountain" Clegane... after getting him to admit that he raped and murdered Martell's sister on Tywin's orders. Of course, justice wasn't exactly served, but you'll appreciate the sentiment.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): “The Rains of Castamere," Season 3, Episode 9
Scorpios are mysterious, emotional, can be a little manipulative, and, most of all, are very secretive. So it makes sense that you would want to rewatch "The Rains of Castamere," also sometimes called The Red Wedding. During this tragic episode, we watch as House Frey plans a devastating sneak attack on House Stark, killing almost everyone.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): "The Winds of Winter," Season 6, Episode 10
As a Sagittarius, you are idealistic, generous, and fun, and you love to travel and explore. But you also have a side of you that tends to ignore consequences when you're going after what you really want. That said, you'd probably enjoy rewatching "The Winds of Winter," where Cersei basically goes against all reason and dismisses all the consequences of her actions when she decides to kill, uh, a lot of people with wildfyre.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): "The Spoils of War," Season 7, Episode 4
Capricorns are generally all about self-control and tend to be responsible and disciplined, but they can also be a bit condescending and unforgiving. Daenerys is a little like this: what stands out about her as a leader is that she has the self-control and discipline to do things differently, but every once in a while, she loses that and reacts in a very strong way. In this episode, Daenerys reacts to the death of part of her army due to the Lannisters tricks by taking her dragons out to battle to pretty much destroy everyone.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 19): "The Door," Season 6, Episode 5
As an Aquarius, you are an independent sign that is all about doing things differently than everyone else, and you are also very smart. You'd probably like to rewatch "The Door," which has a big focus on Brandon Stark and Hodor, two of the more unique characters in the show. That devastating Hodor death scene might be really hard to see again, though.
Pisces (February 20 - March 20): "Home," Season 6, Episode 2
Pisces are known as whimsical dreamers who can't handle the harsh realities of life. This kind of strikes a cord with "Home," which is about the Wildlings, Melisandre, and Davos trying desperately to do anything they can to bring Jon Snow back from the dead, even when it seems impossible.