The “Donald & Shinzo: Make Alliance Even Greater” Hat Has Twitter Face Palming

The way to the president's heart may be through his hat. On Sunday, President Trump began a nearly-two-week trip to Asia, where he will meet with Russian leader Vladimir Putin, among other world leaders. First, though, he stopped in Japan. While there, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe gave Trump a hat emblazoned with a custom slogan that was sure to resonate with POTUS. Similar to Trump's signature red campaign hat, the gift from Abe read, "Donald and Shinzo, Make Alliance Even Greater."
The white, trucker-style hats featured gold embroidery that spelled out the slogan, which clearly played off the president's well-known campaign slogan, "Make America Great Again." Abe and Trump each signed the hats and posed for several pictures with them during Trump's visit to Tokyo. It's not uncommon for world leaders to give each other special gifts during diplomatic meetings, but the hats from Japan's prime minister seemed different than most. Basically, Abe gave Trump one half of a pair of "best friends forever" necklaces.
According to The Los Angeles Times, Trump spoke highly of the alliance between him and the Japanese prime minister. "Our relationship is really extraordinary," Trump reportedly said. "I don't think we've ever been closer to Japan than we are right now."
During Trump's visit to Japan, he and Abe also reportedly played nine holes of golf and shared an expensive dinner with their wives in downtown Tokyo. By far, the most talked-about part of the visit was Abe's custom gift. On social media, reactions ranged from entertained to embarrassed.
"Unreal" has seemed like an appropriate response for many parts of the Trump presidency.
Serious Studies
Can't wait to read it.
For some context, former presidents' gifts from world leaders have included a silver and gold dagger, an African mask sculpture, and a bronze statue.
Stephen Colbert would not have enough hands for this one.
"Big Seller"
Although this prediction seems spot-on, it doesn't appear that the hats are for sale.
More Gifts
The friendship is at its finest.
Sometimes, "erm" says it all.
Stranger Things
Surely, stranger things have not happened.
Mean Girls
We're not regular world leaders. We're cool world leaders.
You are not alone.
"This Is Real"
A disclaimer seems necessary.
While in Japan, the president also visited with American troops at Yokota Air Base near Tokyo. Over the coming days, Trump will take a trip to South Korea, China, the Philippines, and Vietnam. According to The New York Times, Trump's Asia tour represents the longest such trip by an American president in more than 25 years.
Perhaps the most highly anticipated part of his trip, Trump will have his second face-to-face meeting as president with Putin later this week. The meeting comes just as former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort was charged last week with several counts of wrongdoing — including "conspiracy against the United States" — in conjunction with the ongoing federal investigation into Russia's alleged ties to the 2016 presidential election. Of course, the Trump-Putin meeting also comes as tensions remain high between the U.S. and Russia's neighbor, North Korea. North Korea is reportedly on the meeting agenda.
"We want Putin's help on North Korea, and we'll be meeting with a lot of different leaders," Trump told reporters during his flight to Tokyo, according to CNN.
Still, it remains to be seen how Trump will interact with Putin or the other world leaders in his path. It's unlikely, though, that anyone will give him a gift quite as personalized as the "Make Alliance Even Greater" hat from Abe. Only a true friend could think up that one.