'The Defenders' Full Trailer Has Finally Arrived
I've taken a few seconds out of the time I'm spending screaming to tell you that The Defenders full trailer was released on May 3 via the official Marvel Entertainment Twitter and, of course, Netflix's YouTube account. Guys, I'm shook. I'm crying. I'm so excited. Not excited about Iron Fist, honestly, but Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, and Daredevil — as well as fan favorite Claire Temple — all make an appearance in this epic trailer. To be fair, I was excited all the way back when the trailer was nothing more than the four heroes appearing together in an elevator doing absolutely nothing, but this full trailer gives us so much more to work with than just that.
Where to even begin? We have the implication that Claire Temple introduces Luke Cage to Iron Fist after her appearance in both series. We have Misty Knight interrogating Jessica Jones — both of whom are belligerent and have Luke Cage romantically in common — before Matt Murdock steps in to represent Jessica. We have Iron Fist continuing on his parade of cultural insensitivity by referring to Matt Murdock as a "blind ninja." ("Classy," as Jessica Jones states when he says he has no idea what to call her.) We have basically everything that I wanted out of these four heroes meeting one another and way more than that.
I'm not saying I got a personal satisfaction about Iron Fist breaking his hand trying to punch Luke Cage or anything but I did. Watch the trailer for yourself.
Now that you've done that, we need to discuss how the trailer also raises a ton of questions. What citywide investigation did Jessica Jones interrupt? Why are Iron Fist and Luke Cage beating each other up anyway? Where's Colleen Wing? Is Sigourney Weaver's character Alexandra going to be my new favorite character of all time? Inquiring minds — me, I'm the inquiring mind — need to know, Netflix.
How I'm supposed to wait for the premiere on August 18 is beyond me. I guess I'll just have to marathon the trailer over and over again until then. Because that's such a hassle.