Welcome to March 2018 (seriously, did February even happen?) and also happy Women's History Month! This year is really flying by, and I hope it's been a rewarding one for everyone so far.
Since it's Thursday, I'm sure the week is already dragging on you. I'm going to give you a quick recap of all the news, so you'll be totally informed in time for any after-work drinks you've got planned to celebrate the end of the week. So let's dive into what everyone at Bustle has been chatting about on Mar. 1:
RHONY + Season 10
Oh.My.God. The Real Housewives of New York Season 10 is premiering *so* soon and if you weren't already so excited for the drama, the trailer for the new season will rock your world!. Perhaps the most interesting part of the trailer is all the info on Luann de Lesseps arrest a few months back. Very intriguing! This is definitely worth marking your calendars.
Reading List: These are the 15 best fiction books coming out this month (I guarantee you'll love them).
Wonder Woman + Kristen Wiig
Wonder Woman 2 is in the works and there are rumors that Bridesmaids star Kristen Wiig will be cast in the superhero movie! Wiig is allegedly in talks to play the film's villain, Cheetah. A lot of people on the internet were super stoked about this news, but there are also some who aren't convinced that Wiig will be able to play a believable villain given her comedic background.
Celeb News: Miley Cyrus just revealed how her controversial 2013 VMA's performance inspired her to become an activist.
Nor’easter + East Coast
I honestly thought that with winter winding down, we'd all be free of any disruptive storms for the rest of 2018. But, unfortunately, I was wrong. A Nor'easter is making its way along the northeast coast of the United States on Friday. 60 miles per hour winds are expected, as well as flooding and snow (yes, SNOW) in certain regions. Ugh.
Shopping Break: A Hunter Boots x Target collaboration is on its way & almost everything will be under $30.
Nobel Peace Prize + Trump
In a serious case of "fake news", someone forged a submission for Donald Trump to be nominated for a 2018 Nobel Peace Prize. Investigative authorities in Oslo, where the committee operates, have been contacted and are looking into the matter. According to the secretary of the Nobel Peace Prize committee, this is the second year a forged nomination for Trump has been submitted.
Happy Hour: LaCroix cocktails now exist and you're gonna want to Instagram them ASAP.
What to Watch: Tonight is the night Shonda Rhimes fans have waiting for; the Scandal and How To Get Away With Murder crossover episode airs at 9 PM ET on ABC.