It's a brand new week! I can't help but feel a little optimistic every time Monday rolls around — there's so much potential opportunity that could be waiting *just* around the corner. So, I hope today will kick off a really productive and exciting week for you; and one way to ensure that is by catching up on all the news! So, here's what you need to know about on Feb, 26:
Kim Kardashian + New Hair
Over the years, Kim Kardashian has treated us to several major hair transformations, but this new one might be her most bold look yet! On Sunday, Kim K shared a photo on social media sporting long pastel pink hair. And apparently, it's NOT a wig! Everyone on the Internet is rightfully obsessed with her new 'do. I sense this might be a Spring 2018 hair trend to watch.
Hair Inspo: This Is Us star Mandy Moore also switched up her hair color & you're gonna love it.
Trump + Parkland Comments
Today, Donald Trump made some pretty bizarre remarks to a group of governors about the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. It was reported last week that an officer at the scene didn't enter the building when he heard gunshots. Trump was vocally critical of the officer's actions but took it one step further when, during this meeting, said he would have entered the building himself — even if not armed.
Me Too: Jennifer Lawerence spoke out about how she felt after Harvey Weinstein was accused of sexual assault by multiple women.
Ivanka Trump + Allegations
Since 2016, Donald Trump has been accused by multiple women of sexual misconduct. The president has denied these allegations, though none have been formally investigated. This morning, in South Korea for the Winter Olympics, Ivanka Trump was asked about these accusations in an interview. She responded that it was "inappropriate" to ask a daughter about allegations against her father — despite the fact that Ivanka is an advisor to the president, a member of the administration, and the U.S. representative in South Korea.
Celeb News: Comedian Kevin Smith had a massive heart attack over the weekend and the details are SO scary.
The Bachelor + Women Tell All
February has been absolutely packed with Bachelor content — from The Bachelor: Winter Games to the current Bachelor season that's nearing a close. Last night, fans were treated to the Women Tell All and, boy, did things get HEATED. Perhaps the most surprising thing out of that episode actually happened on Twitter. Arie Luyendyk Jr. was tweeting up a storm during the show & it was low-key hilarious.
Adulting 101: Here's 13 quick and easy hacks to make your apartment feel more grown up.
What to Watch: There's ANOTHER Bachelor episode airing tonight, but if reality TV isn't your thing here's a Netflix crime drama that everyone is raving about.