People Are Sharing The Best Ways To Ruin A Romantic Moment & They'll Make You Cringe

The one holiday explicitly dedicated to love is here, and the haters are ready. In honor of Valentine's Day, Twitter users are waxing poetic about all the #WaysToRuinTheRomancce on a date or in a relationship. From too many Netflix and not-so-chill nights to spewing unsavory political views to offensive grooming habits, the list of romantic deal breakers is infinite — and entertaining AF.
According to an analysis by the dating app Zoosk that looked at data from 750,000 profiles and 200,000 messages and surveys from 9,000 members, romance still reigns supreme. Eighty-two percent of Zoosk daters prefer old-fashioned romance over modern romance, and even mentioning that you’re a "hopeless romantic" in your dating profile will get you up to 38 percent more incoming messages than the average person who doesn't.
The definition of romance, however, is different for everyone. For some, romance means extravagant gifts and grand gestures. For others it's good sex, a home-cooked meal, or a well-placed compliment. And then there are those whose skin will crawl with even a mention of the word. But the folks on Zoosk are pretty easy to please, apparently, as 95 percent think that "holding a door open" on a date is romantic, and 82 percent think that "paying for your date" is romantic.
The following are five guaranteed ways to ruin the romance in any situation, according to Twitter:
1. Social Media & Texting Mishaps
2. Talking Politics
3. Bad Dating Decorum
4. Awkward Conversations
5. Sexual Faux Pas
There you have it: surefire ways to ruin a romantic moment— in case your Valentine's Day takes a turn.