If you're familiar with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, then you know that each of the 16 personality types approach the world differently. From how you interact with others to how you process information is related to your MBTI. Learning the best way to deal with stress based on your Myers-Briggs personality type can help you understand the most effective way to decompress when you start feeling dark and twisty.
According to the American Psychology Association, stress is on the upswing in the U.S. While stress is the body's natural defense mechanism against danger, not being able to cope with stress can make you sick. "How we react to a difficult situation will affect how stress affects us and our health," Timothy J. Legg, Ph.D., CRNP wrote for Medical New Today. "A person who feels they do not have enough resources to cope will be more likely to have a stronger reaction, and one that can trigger health problems. Stressors affect individuals in different ways."
Understanding the best way to handle stress can help you keep your body and mind healthy. If you're not sure how to deal with stress, understanding your MBTI can be a valuable tool. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator can provide you with a reliable picture of your personality type, which in turn can help you understand yourself in new ways. If you're ready to feel more relaxed, here's the best way to deal with stress based on your MBTI.
1ISTJ: Clean & Organize
The ISTJ personality type — introverted, sensing, thinking, and judging — is practical and realistic, according to the Myers & Briggs Foundation. ISTJs seek organized and orderly work and home environments. Because of this, an ISTJ will feel more stress when things are in disarray. Believe it or not, cleaning and organizing can actually help this personality type chill out.
2ISFJ: Share Your Feelings
For the ISFJ — introverted, sensing, feeling, and judging — harmony and order are two of the most important things to maintain. According to the Myers & Briggs Foundation, ISFJs are "Loyal, considerate, notice and remember specifics about people who are important to them, concerned with how others feel." When the ISFJ feels stressed and overwhelmed, journaling, expressing themselves, or talking over feelings with a close friend can help relieve some of the pressure.
3INFJ: Seek To Understand
Meaning and connection in relationships are important to the INFJ — introverted, intuition, feeling, and judging. This personality type is curious about what motivates others, is committed to their own values, and is clear and decisive, according to the Myers & Briggs Foundation. For the INFJ, reading, research, making a list — basically anything that brings them closer to understanding a problem, or another person, can help relieve stress.
4INTJ: Turn To Your Passion
INTJ personality types — introverted, intuition, thinking, and judging — are brimming with original ideas and driven to succeed. According to the Myers & Briggs Foundation, INTJs are skilled at recognizing trends and patterns, and have high standards for both themselves and others. To relieve stress, an INTJ should turn to their passion. For example, musicians or writers can find comfort on the page or the piano.
5ISTP: Solve Puzzles & Play Games
Don't underestimate the quiet and contemplative ISTP — introverted, sensing, thinking, and perceiving. While it may not appear that way, ISTPs see everything that's happening, and are quick to solve a problem, according to the Myers & Briggs Foundation. For an ISTP, doing puzzles, or playing a strategic game of chess can help ease the burden. Even something like Words With Friends can help the ISTP decompress.
6ISFP: Focus On The Present
Those with the ISFP personality type — introverted, sensing, feeling, and perceiving — like to live in the moment, and get stressed by disharmony and conflict. For an ISFP, a great way to relieve stress is to do something that forces you to live in the present moment. Meditation and running are both good options. Basically, anything that prevents rumination can help the ISFP calm down.
7INFP: Indulge In Something Mindless
The INFP — introverted, intuition, feeling, and perceiving — is adaptable, loyal, and curious. Because this personality type tends to be empathetic, they can become overwhelmed by taking on others' feelings and problems. A great way for an INFP to decompress is to do something mindless, like marathoning their favorite show. I recommend the original Will & Grace because laughing your ass off is a perfect way to get the stress out.
8INTP: Solve A Problem
For the INTP — introverted, intuition, thinking, and perceiving — logical explanations and ideas interest them more than theories and social interaction, which means they can sometimes be overly critical. One way for an INTP to destress is to do something that has a logical outcome, like building something or putting something together. Whether it's a game, or furniture, solving a problem relaxes this personality type.
9ESTP: Learn Something New
ESTPs — extraverted, sensing, thinking, and perceiving — are flexible and tolerant while also being practical. This personality types loves to live in the moment and learns best by doing. A great way for an ESTP to blow off steam is to take a boxing class, or grab a friend and go on a spontaneous road trip.
10ESFP: Pamper Yourself
For the ESFP — extraverted, sensing, feeling, and perceiving — material things can bring a lot of joy. This personality type, while practical and realistic, also loves its creature comforts. In order to decompress, an ESFP should go shopping, or plan a spa day with their bestie.
11ENFP: Surround Yourself With Love
ENFPs — extraverted, intuition, feeling, and perceiving — are the type of people who get really excited about everything, and see life as a path of endless possibilities. When an ENFP is feeling stressed, they should surround themselves with people who make them feel good about themselves, because adored makes an ENFP feel fabulous.
12ENTP: Try Something New
For the ENTP — extraverted, intuition, thinking, and perceiving — routine is a total bore. This personality type is hyper alert and craves constant stimulation. When an ENTP is feeling dark and twisty, trying something new, even going to hear a new band, is the perfect remedy.
13ESTJ: Take Care Of Business
The ESTJ — extraverted, sensing, thinking, and judging — is the kind of person to shoot first and ask questions later. This personality type is practical, decisive, and quick to make decisions based on facts. When an ESTJ is feeling weighed down, it's time to clean their metaphorical house. Whether it's an unfinished expense report, or a missed detail for an event, taking care of anything that's bothering them, will help the ESTJ feel much calmer.
14ESFJ: Volunteer
The ESFJ — extraverted, sensing, feeling, and judging — is a friend to everyone, a person of their word, and someone who needs harmony in all areas of their life to feel balanced. When an ESFJ is feeling stressed, the best way to take the pressure off is to tie up any loose ends that are bugging them, or volunteer to help others. Offering to help out a friend, or evening walking dogs at the local animal shelter, can help the ESFJ feel calm and full or purpose.
15ENFJ: Make Self Care A Priority
ENFJs — extraverted, intuition, feeling, and judging — are highly attuned to the needs of other, which can sometimes leave them depleted. When an ENFJ is feeling stressed, because they're given all of their energy away, the best way to recenter themselves is to focus on their own needs, dreams, and goals.
16ENTJ: Plan A Trip
The ENTJ — extraverted, intuition, thinking, and judging — is a highly effective leader who sees problems right away and offers immediate solutions. Because the ENTJ enjoys setting goals and planning, during times of stress something like planning a trip (even if they don't take it), or a night out with their besties, can help them get their groove back.
Things that relieve stress for some people can actually cause stress for others. While one personality type might enjoy shopping or a spa day when they want to decompress, those kinds of activities can send another personality type into an anxiety spiral. Whether you want to destress, or you're trying to help a friend, understanding the MBTI can go a long way in shortening the road to chillville.