This Is The Best Time Of Day To Update Your iPhone

Even though you might not be able to surf your Instagram feed while updating your phone, software updates can really help improve your overall tech experience. And if you spend hours on your phone each day, that's especially true. The only real pain point is finding the best time to update your iPhone and take a break from screen time.
In general, there are no advantages or disadvantages to updating your iPhone during a certain time of day. Since your phone will have to restart at some point and needs to be plugged in and connected to Wi-Fi, you just have to make sure the process fits in with your own schedule. In other words, you'll want to update your iPhone when you don't need it for about an hour. For a lot of people, this is during the middle of the night.
Whenever there's a new Apple software update available, you should get a notification on your phone that offers you the option to enable automatic updates. If you decide to opt into this, your iPhone will install the newest update in the middle of the night as long as your phone is plugged in and connected to Wi-Fi.
If this auto-update option sounds like the most painless route for you, you simply go to the "Settings" app and click on "General." From there, you can select "Software Updates," and you should see the option to set your iPhone to auto-update in the middle of the night.
And if you aren't sure if there's a new software update available for your phone at all, you can check by following the same process explained above. Once you click on the "Software Update" tab, you'll see whether there's a new update available or whether you're already fully updated.
If you don't update your software as it comes out, you'll likely keep receiving a notification, and will have to keep hitting the "Remind Me Later" option if you don't want to update your phone just yet. But you might not want to put it off for too long. Software updates often include small fixes that boost security and solutions for annoying tech bugs, among other things.
When it comes to updating your iPhone, you'll also have to take into account which model you own, since older ones will slowly become incompatible over time with newer updates. For example, iOS 13 is only compatible with the iPhone 6S model or newer. There's really no solution for this besides buying a new phone eventually. And given that updates often include improvements to security, you tend to put yourself at risk if you're not able to access the latest updates.
If you're in the market for a new iPhone, you can check out the differences between the iPhone 11, 11 Pro, and 11 Pro Max models to see if any of them are right for you. Of course, you can always grab one of the slightly older models, like the iPhone 8, at a lower price.
This article was originally published on