The Best Newsletters For Accurate Info On Coronavirus

This post is updated regularly to reflect the latest news and science around coronavirus, also known as COVID-19.
With the spread of COVID-19 now declared a pandemic by the World Health Organisation, it's more vital than ever to ensure that the information you're reading about coronavirus is accurate. In the past few months, misinformation has spread quickly. Take, for example, a Facebook post shared over 16,000 times that advises people in the Philippines to "keep your throat moist," not eat spicy food, and "load up on vitamin C" to prevent the disease.
The post has since been labeled on Facebook as "false information, checked by independent fact-checkers." For the record, we asked Dr. Steven Gundry, MD what vitamins could help boost your immunity, and he said: "I recommend that my patients up their vitamin D3 intake to get levels to about 120 nanograms per milliliter," as vitamin D3 can help regulate the immune system's response to viral infections. Additionally, Dr. Gundry suggests taking "timed release vitamin C 1,000 milligrams twice a day, or chewing 500 milligram tabs four times a day.”
Unfortunately, contacting your personal health care provider to debunk myths isn't always possible, so make sure the information you're reading is accurate. Subscribe to these newsletters for accurate coronavirus, or COVID-19, information.
The Los Angeles Times' "Coronavirus Today" Newsletter
When you sign up for The LA Times newsletter, it will be delivered to your inbox, every weekday evening. The newsletter features the latest coronavirus-related news, public health resources, narrative experiences, and links to relevant external stories. You’ll also get a bonus newsletter on Saturday that features stories covering other topics.
Sign up the The LA Times coronavirus newsletter here
The New York Times "Coronavirus Briefing" Newsletter
The New York Times has taken down its paywall for all content relating to coronavirus during this period, and it also has it's very own "coronavirus briefing newsletter" where you can receive a summary of global updates regarding the virus in your inbox every morning.
Sign up to the New York Times' coronavirus newsletter here
CNN "Coronavirus: Fact vs. Fiction" Newsletter
"Coronavirus is spreading and so is misinformation about it" reads the sell for CNN's newsletter on the pandemic. Sign up for content informed by experts about the current nature of the health crisis, and what you can expect next.
Sign up to CNN's coronavirus newsletter here
BuzzFeed's Coronavirus Newsletter
Sign up for BuzzFeed's new coronavirus newsletter that will land in your inbox every week with a full briefing on the state of the virus. The newsletter features updates on the spread of the virus, changes in emergency warnings, travel information, and resources for staying safe and keeping those around you safe as well. While the newsletter crams a lot of information into one email, it's carefully summarized and easy to read and digest.
Sign up to Buzzfeed's coronavirus newsletter here
The Washington Post's Live Coronavirus Updates Feed
The Washington Post has a "LIVE UPDATES" feed on its homepage that's updated with time stamps throughout the day. With a mix of breaking news, Q&A's, and editorials targeted at coronavirus, there's always a new story at the top of the list. Then there's their the Washington Post coronavirus newsletter, which will send briefs of each news item pertaining to the virus outbreak to your inbox each morning.
Sign up for the Washington Post's coronavirus newsletter here
Dr. Steven Gundry, MD, founder of the International Heart & Lung Institute.
Study Cited:
Beard, J. A., Bearden, A., & Striker, R. (2011, March). Vitamin D and the anti-viral state. Retrieved from
If you think you’re showing symptoms of coronavirus, which include fever, shortness of breath, and cough, call your doctor before going to get tested. If you’re anxious about the virus’s spread in your community, visit the CDC for up-to-date information and resources, or seek out mental health support. You can find all Bustle’s coverage of coronavirus here.