There's a lot of pressure to start the new year off right — and it all begins with how you celebrate New Year's Eve. I'm a big fan of staying home and getting takeout but even if you're having the party of the year, it's still a great night to make some time to connect with your partner and finish 2017 with a little TLC and a steamy sex session.
“Keeping love and sex alive in your relationship is what keeps the relationship alive,” Tina B. Tessina, Ph.D. (aka "Dr. Romance"), psychotherapist and author of How to be Happy Partners: Working it out Together, tells Bustle. “It’s like the roots that feed the tree. To keep that vital energy going, and the sap rising, you need to provide something new and interesting."
So if you can take some time to get down and dirty on New Year's Eve, then it's a great opportunity to try something new and exciting in the bedroom. Because New Year's Eve is basically the most extra night of the year, why not celebrate with a bold and fun sex position? Here are the best positions to try, so you can finish 2017 on top. (And if you literally want to be on top, see number two)
1The Bridge
How To Do It: With your feet flat on the bed, slowly lift your hips up as your partner rises up to their knees. It may take a second to get the hang of it, but then you can hold the position and enjoy it.
Why It's NYE-Worthy: It's an intense position that's still really grounding, so it's a great way to connect as you enter into the new year. Plus, you've got a great view of each other and plenty of opportunity for clit play.
2Reverse Cowgirl
How To Do It: It's like cowgirl but facing your partner's feet. Because you can't see their face, take extra precautions and move carefully. Once you're both comfortable, you can bounce, grind, use a toy, and do anything else that makes you feel great.
Why It's NYE-Worthy: It's one of the most badass positions out there, so you may as well ride your way into 2018 in style.
3Modified Missionary
How To Do It: If you know the coital-alignment technique, think about this as that position but with a with a pillow. If you're not familiar, you just have to put a pillow under your lower back and hike your legs over your partner's hips. It's will ensure really deep penetration and intense stimulation.
Why It's NYE-Worthy: This is a perfect position for orgasm because it provides clitoral stimulation, so you can really enter 2018 feeling great.
4Legs Up
How To Do It: When you're in missionary, have your partner sit back on their heels while you lift your legs to rest them on their chest. They can help lift you under your hips to slide you into their lap.
Why It's NYE-Worthy: This position isn't easy, but it sure is fun. Once you get there, it's really intense and deep — and you can feel like you're doing something different and a little frisky for New Year's Eve.
5The Cross
How To Do It: While your partner lays on their side, lay perpendicular to them while on your back. Shimmy down and place your knees over their hips and guide them inside of you.
Why It's NYE-Worthy: If you've been hitting it hard, you may just want to relax. This position is less strenuous while still being different and super sexy. You can play with your clit, make eye contact, and enjoy the unusual angle for penetration.
How To Do It: Firstly, if you're not used to it, then make sure to do this position near a wall or bed — anything you can hold on to. Then spread your legs slightly and lean over while your partner enters you from behind. Don't be afraid to use props if there's a big height difference.
Why It's NYE-Worthy: It's a wild position that will make you both feel like sex rockstars — and it feels great. It's a perfect way to ring in the new year.
7Doggy With Vibrator
How To Do It: Get on your hands and knees for traditional doggy, but take matters into your own hand with your favorite vibrator. It'll take things up a notch.
Why It's NYE-Worthy: I told you that New Year's Eve was the most extra night of the year, so why not go for it? The intensity of doggy plus a vibrator means you'll be making it all happen.
Now that 2017 is on its way out, it's time to welcome 2018 with something to remember. By pushing your limits and playing around, you'll set yourself up for a great New Year.