‘Below Deck Med’ Season 2 Looks Yachtastic

If I had a boat, I would so shout this news from the poop deck: Bravo has released the trailer for Below Deck Mediterranean Season 2. The second round of the Below Deck spinoff, which premieres on May 2, looks incredible. There’s broken glass (or is that ice?), there’s blood, and there’s helium antics. But do you know what this trailer does not have? Chef Ben Robi— Oh, wait. Scratch that.
When Below Deck Season 4 wrapped, Chef Ben Robinson made an understandable, albeit disappointing announcement: He is stepping away from the franchise for an indefinite amount of time. After the grueling undertaking that was back-to-back Below Deck stints, dude needs a break from the drama, the cameras, and everything else that comes with being part of a reality show yacht crew.
But it looks like he didn’t actually leave entirely. In the middle of the trailer, Below Deck Med veteran Bobby Giancola hisses, “Thanks for your support, Lauren. Why don’t you go f*ck Ben?” Wait, who is “Ben"? Could he be talking about that Ben?
Before the question can fester for another second, the trailer cuts to Below Deck Med newbie Lauren Cohen FaceTiming with Chef Ben. And then, we hear the laugh. The laugh that launched 1,000 yachts.
Oh, you scoundrel. I knew you couldn’t resist Bravo’s siren song. I knew it wouldn’t be long before you returned. No, he isn’t a full-time cast member, but I’ll take whatever Chef Ben cameo I can get. Even if it’s a brief clip of him cackling on FaceTime. I can’t wait to find out what Giancola is talking about. I can’t wait to find out why Cohen FaceTimes with Robinson. I can’t wait to find out how many times Robinson pops up on Season 2. And I can't wait to watch Season 2.
Below Deck Med's Season 1 crew members Giancola and Hannah Ferrier will be joined by series newcomers Captain Sandy Yawn, Adam Glick, Christine Drake, Lauren Cohen, Malia White, Max Hagley, and Wesley Walton. Season 2 will push off on May 2.
Broken glass (or is that ice?), blood, helium antics, and Chef Ben? This trailer really does have everything a gal could ask for.