This New Starbucks Frappuccino Hack Is A Game Changer

I know, I know, I just told you about a new Starbucks spring frappuccino option — it was the Midnight Mint Mocha and you were totally stoked about meeting your new spring and summer drink. However, not to complicate things, but without any warning or statement, there's a new frappuccino in town — and though it's not on Starbucks' official menu, the Banana Split Frappuccino hack at Starbucks is going to make your morning coffee run decision really complex. Midnight Mint Mocha, or Banana Split, that is the question.
It's worth considering that this frappuccino, though exciting, isn't actually new at all. Instead, people are really just starting to catch on to the menu hack, which has been on "secret" menu sites for ages. It's basically a tasty reimagining of a bunch of pre-existing Starbucks ingredients: To create the icy treat, a customer has to ask baristas to mix the Strawberries and Creme Frappuccino base with vanilla bean powder, java chips, and fresh banana. Then, the drink is topped with whipped cream, and of course, a mocha drizzle. It's creamy, it's icy, it's fruity, it's hearty, and it's even got a crunchy chocolate texture. Take a look at the perfect spring treat in all of its glory:
That said, it is actually available on the official menu of one very special Starbucks location that you're going to have to deeply consider road tripping to: The Desert Hills Premium Outlets in Palm Springs, CA.
But if a road trip is not in the cards for you right now, you're going to have to resort to begging your local barista for the Banana Split Frappuccino — trust me, it's worth it.
Also, while a lot of baristas might know about "secret" menu hacks like this, they're not totally widespread — there isn't some secret menu meeting where all the baristas get together and share secret item recipes. So, you might need to politely request one and explain to your barista just how to make it. Unless it's on the official Starbucks menu of that exact location, it's a secret specialty item, and they're not required to make it for you. So make sure you ask nicely, you know pretty please with a mocha drizzle on top.