Nick Viall's Bachelor season is only a couple of weeks in, but already the show has found its newest "villain" in Corinne Olympios, a 24-year-old businesswoman from Florida. She stirred up controversy among the women early on, and they were quick to jump on her when she let it slip that yes, she's a grown woman with a nanny. Highest on her list of things she can't live without? Nanny Raquel's cheese pasta recipe, which Corinne said she could never make for herself. Now, she's shared the much-sought-after recipe exclusively with Us Weekly — sort of.
In an interview with the outlet, Corinne provided a basic list of instructions, but left out some key details like, you know, the measurements and the specific ingredients. That may make it tricky to replicate the supposedly super-challenging recipe, but then again, maybe that's why Corinne can't seem to figure it out for herself.
"I have tried many times to make cheese pasta,” Corinne said on Bachelor's Jan. 16 episode. “And I can’t make cheese pasta like her!” Later, when speaking to Us Weekly, she revealed that the dish was her go-to guilty pleasure. "Cheese pasta is my number one comfort food,” she told the site. “I eat it when I’m sad or when I’m sick or just want to cheat my diet a bit. It’s my weakness.”
Here's the coveted recipe, via Us Weekly:
1. Boil pasta for 10 minutes (add some salt to water).
2. Strain out all water.
3. Add pasta back to pot, keeping it on low heat.
4. Add a lot of shredded cheese.
5. Mix until all the cheese melts.
Side note: no salt with cheese.
As you can see, the recipe is not all that difficult. In fact, its pretty identical to, say, Kraft Mac and Cheese, save for the milk and butter. But there has to be something that sets it apart from your regular old boxed pasta, right? I mean, not everyone is blessed with culinary prowess, but this seems pretty hard to mess up. Worst case scenario, your noodles end up a little heavy on the cheese, and that doesn't leave a lot of room for complaint. So, what exactly is Nanny Raquel putting in Corinne's pasta that makes it so unbeatable?
Does She Keep Things Classic With Spaghetti & Parmesan?
If it was good enough for Lady and the Tramp, it's surely good enough for Corinne.
Or Maybe She Opts For Something A Little More Daring, Like Gorgonzola & Penne
That does look pretty good...
Or Maybe It's Just Good Old Mac & Cheese
You can't knock a classic.
Based on Corinne's other favorite foods (sliced cucumber, lemon salad), it sounds like she likes to keep things clean and simple. So, a parmesan-spaghetti combo seems like an obvious contender. But Corinne also comes off as a strong, assertive woman, and I have to believe that someone who claims to run a multi-million dollar company can handle a five-step recipe. My best guess is that Nanny Raquel is either holding back a secret ingredient, or she's harboring some pretty rare, magical cheese.
Images: ABC; Fotolia; Giphy