Fans Had Super Strong Feelings About That 'BiP' Consent Conversation

Bachelor In Paradise 4 started its second episode with the charm of Evan and Carly’s wedding, but the show also had to address some very big issues, namely the alleged sexual misconduct that shut down the fourth season of the show earlier this summer. Chris Harrison and company made a statement and had a cast member discussion about the matter, and Twitter was very happy that Bachelor In Paradise brought consent to the forefront.
For those not up to date, after claims were made by a producer that alleged sexual misconduct occurred between DeMario Jackson and Corinne Olympios, production was temporarily shut down. DeMario repeatedly denied the accusations, and both Warner Bros. and Corinne's lawyers — who each conducted independent investigations — concluded that there was no evidence of misconduct. Corinne then released a statement saying she was satisfied with the outcome, and filming resumed.
In the second BiP episode, Chris Harrison started a conversation with the cast about the allegations, race, alcohol, and consent. Bachelor In Paradise especially — and correctly — stressed that consent was verbally saying yes before any sexual activity occurs. The show also highlighted that consent must continue throughout a physical encounter. As in: If you say yes, you can still say “no” later if you want to stop.
When was the last time you heard anything as serious and important as this discussed on a popular reality show like Bachelor In Paradise? Maybe never? It wasn’t lost on Twitter, as many users pointed out that this conversation was an important one to have.
Some Thought It Should Be Required Learning...
And Some Liked The Change From The Usual Topics
It Even Inspired A Few Others To Share Their Stories
A Few Thought It Should Have Gone Further
But, Overall, The Show Was Commended For The Talk
Now, Bachelor In Paradise has opened the door to a new, more socially conscious way of television, and Twitter Bachelor fans hope it continues.