Goyle From 'Harry Potter' Is Now An MMA Cage Fighter & The Video Is Truly WILD

Yes you read that headline right: Goyle from Harry Potter is now a cage fighter. Well howdy do, that is quite the career change. I mean maybe it wouldn't be for the decidedly brutish Gregory Goyle himself, but fighting in a big old cage is quite a departure from the acting world. Or is it? I'm pretty sure any jobbing actors I know would argue that fighting for your life in a big cage is absolutely similar to the acting world.
Yes, you almost definitely know Josh Herdman best as bad boy Draco Malfoy's tough as nails hard man companion, and one half of the dreaded Crabbe and Goyle. The dreaded and dim heavies who hang on Malfoy's every word and happily do his bidding. No matter how dastardly the little dastard wanted to behave.
Herdman has been busy competing over the last few years, the Daily Star reports, and he even went and flipping won his first MMA fight in April 2016. The native Londoner has worked very hard to get into the physical shape he is in. He has utilised the strength and agility he has learned in becoming a black belt in Japanese jiujitsu, to progress on to a fairly lit MMA career. According to Tapology, his most recent fight was February 2018.
Speaking to the newspaper, Herdman was super open about life post Potter, and how he struggled with partying a bit too much and nearly lost his way. He said "I was a party animal." However, he came to the realisation that he needed to change his life, and found fitness really helped in his transformation.
"I was a party animal. But I had enough of it so I decided I was going to get fit and I needed something to focus on and martial arts did change my life. You need a discipline, you need a tenacity and you need a drive to keep at it. When you start you're getting hammered, you're a novice."
He also let the world know that acting is still a part of his life, with an upcoming role in The Cage Fighter managing to unite his old passion of acting with his newer one in MMA.
"The script had me hooked instantly. To get the lead in a movie about one of my passions is a dream come true."
And I assume he won't be using a body double in any of the scenes am I right? If you want to know more about Herdman's life these days, he's on Instagram where he shares lots of snaps of him out and about, and even a tattoo tribute to his Harry Potter role.
Herdman is not the only Potter alum to take a bit of a break from the acting world. Case in point is the very lovely Irish actor Evanna Lynch, who you probably remember best for her incredibly accurate portrayal of Luna Lovegood in the movie franchise. Lynch is currently killing it as a dancer. Well, she is a star in the latest season of Dancing With The Stars, the American version of Strictly Come Dancing. She and her partner Keo are nailing their routines, even receiving a perfect 30/30 score in last week's Country Night themed episode.
Herdman and Lynch are only two of a huge cast that we have witnessed grow up before our very own eyes. Here's hoping for more surprise career changes. Accio quarter life crisis, am I right?