The 5 Best Lubes That Are Safe To Use With Condoms

To lube or not to lube? That is the question with an easy answer, according to sexperts, who often say the more lube the better. And although it might not be a habit you're used to, using lube with condoms is a particularly advisable idea. Luckily the best lubes for condoms can easily be found online or in your pharmacy, for all the sensual sexual fun you can imagine.
"Always use lube with condoms," sexologist and sex and relationship educator Jamie LeClaire tells Bustle. "By this I mean, on the external condom part of the condom, not under it. Lube helps prevent possible micro tears in the condom during use and prevents micro tears in the skin during penetration."
Certified sex coach and SKYN sex and intimacy expert Gigi Engle tells Bustle something similar, and adds that oil-based lubes can't be used with condoms as they degrade latex and furthermore, silicone lube can degrade and breakdown the silicone of your favorite silicone toys.
"That's why when in doubt, water-based lubes are the best choice," Engle says. "They absorb very easily into the skin, meaning you do have to reapply, but you'll never have to stress about greasy sheets."
Engle also says aways, always, always use lube during sexual play. Whether you get "super wet" or not, use lube anyway. It makes all sexual touching and intercourse more comfortable and can even lead to more orgasms.
Take a look below at some of the best super sexy water-based lubes if you are using condoms. They will only add to your fun, trust me.
1Aqua Feel
"You want to choose a water-based lube that is as natural as possible," Engle says. And if you are a person who has a vulva and vagina, it's worth nothing that you want to use something that compliments the vagina's natural lubrication. SKYN’s lubricant, Aqua Feel is made with some all natural ingredients like vitamin E and Aloe Vera, and it does just that.
These ingredients provide a barrier between fingers, sex toys, or genitals for more comfortable and pleasurable sex, Engle says.
2Jelly By Unbound
LeClaire gives a major two thumbs up to Jelly. Why? Well, it's pretty affordable, top-rated, and water-based. A staple, really.
"What I love is that it's formulated as a gel, so I find it prevents things from getting too messy," LeClaire says.
It's glycerin and paraben-free, too, and also happens to be vegan, so no need to worry about the animals when you're getting down.
3Sustain Natural
Another water-base lube that is good for condoms is Sustain Natural. It's 96% organic and great for sensitive skin. The natural ingredients mean "no icky stuff" LeClaire says, and it also has some aloe vera for added moisturizing. It's another affordable option when you want something natural and easy to incorporate.
4Wicked Aqua Chill
Try Wicked Aqua Chill. It's a not-so-sticky, thick, long-lasting water-based lube. They focus on using environmentally safe ingredients, and this lube is made without desensitizers, glycerin, and paragons.
And why do they have the word "chill" in the name, you ask? Well, there are some very chillin' added ingredients like peppermint leaf, ginger root, and menthol which do much to cause the tingles.
Nothing wrong with a little extra va-va-voom in your lube.
This German made water-based lube is all about versatility, so pop this one in your cart! It lasts, has no fragrance or taste (great news), and is safe and perfect for toys, condoms, and genitals alike. There is some vegetable-based glycerin in the formula which helps it to go the extra mile, time-wise.
There you have it, my friends. One of these will be certain to work for you and keep you very busy, slippery, and safe from tears.
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