Here's What We Know About The Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte Release Date

It's August, which means it's hot as heck. And also, it's August, which means a piping hot, fall-themed drink is about to make its grand return. Does that pairing make sense? Only in that people are so obsessed with Starbucks' Pumpkin Spice Lattes that they will pay for them when it's 90 degrees out. And when it comes to the 2019 Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte release date, that could be only a few weeks away.
Starbucks has not yet announced the official date of the PSL's return, but based on the release dates of the past several years, it's easy enough to guess around when that might be.
Last year, the PSL celebrated its 15th birthday and was released on Aug. 28. This was a comparatively early release compared to past years, but was not the earliest release ever. Last year, Business Insider published a handy chart of the Pumpkin Spice Latte release dates from the previous seven years, including the early release date and the official release date when the beverage was available in all stores. The release dates were as follows:
2018 — Aug. 28
2017 — Early: Sept. 1. Official: Sept. 5
2016 — Early: Sept. 1. Official: Sept. 6
2015 — Early: Sept. 4. Official: Sept. 8
2014 — Early: Aug. 26. Official: Sept. 2
2013 — Early: Aug. 28. Official: Sept. 3
2012 — Early: Aug. 31. Official: Sept. 4
2011 — Early: Aug. 30. Official: Sept. 5
Judging by a Starbucks press release, it looks like there was only one date in 2018 when the PSL was released nationwide in the United States and Canada, rather than an early release and an official release. In the previous years, the most notable trend is that the early release date was before Labor Day and the official release was the day after Labor Day, except for in 2011 when the official release was on Labor Day.
This year, Labor Day is on Monday, Sept. 2, which would mean the official release would most likely be Tuesday, Sept. 3. But, if Starbucks sticks to last year's plan of doing the release all on one date, the release would mostly likely be during the last week of August. This way, the release would again be before Labor Day.
While the release date for the popular drink is still unknown, Starbucks has started rolling out some other Pumpkin Spice products in grocery stores. On Aug. 1, the brand announced the release of Pumpkin Spice Creamer, which will allow PSL fans to make their own pumpkin spicy coffee at home. The creamer also comes in three other flavors inspired by Starbucks drinks: Caramel Macchiato, Cinnamon Dolce Latte, and White Chocolate Mocha.
In addition to the new creamer, a number of other PSL products are returning to stores, including K-Cup pods, Starbucks VIA Instant Pumpkin Spice Latte mix, Pumpkin Spice Flavored Ground Coffee, and Pumpkin Spice Latte Ready-to-Drink bottles. And if you want to eat your Pumpkin Spice Latte instead of drinking it? There's Pumpkin Spice Cookie Straws for that. These are pumpkin spice and white chocolate flavored rolled wafer cookies. Should they be used as actual straws to drink an iced Pumpkin Spice Latte? Hey, you try that at your own risk.
It won't be long now until the real deal Pumpkin Spice Latte is in Starbucks stores. Until then, eat some popsicles or something. Summer will be over before you know it.