For the third year in a row, Jane The Virgin was snubbed at the Emmys, earning zero nominations in major categories. Maybe it's because fans are still emotional over (spoiler alert) Michael's death, but this time, Jane The Virgin's Emmy snub is particularly disappointing. This might shock you, but Jane the Virgin has only earned two Emmy nominations, none of them in major (i.e. televised) categories. Anthony Mendez was nominated in 2015 and 2016 in the Outstanding Narrator category — two hugely deserved nominations — but his 2017 snub is just another reminder of how poorly Jane the Virgin has been treated by major award shows.
Season 3 of Jane the Virgin was a game changer — not just for the show, but also for the fans. Arguably one of the most ambitious seasons of the groundbreaking show, this year saw JTV get a complete makeover. Not only did the show suffer it's first truly heartbreaking loss (R.I.P. Michael Cordero Jr.), it also saw the end of Jane's virginity and a three year time jump, completely shaking up the series and setting our favorite protagonist Jane on a new path. As viewers, we laughed, we cried, we cried some more, and we mourned and cried again (I really miss Michael, OK?). And yet, despite delivering one of their best seasons yet, Jane The Virgin was snubbed by the Emmys.
It's not really all that surprising that Jane the Virgin was overlooked by the Emmys. Shows on The CW rarely get recognition from major award shows as they are seen as "teen shows" or shows with a younger demographic than, say, HBO's Westworld. But, just because it's in keeping with Emmy history doesn't make it any less frustrating. The fact is, as a female run, female led, diverse, original, and unique show, Jane the Virgin deserves to be celebrated. Where's the nomination for scene stealer Jaime Camil? Or for star Gina Rodriguez? And if Amazon's half hour family drama Transparent can earn Emmys as a comedy series, then surely the much more humorous dramedy of JTV can fit into the category.
At the end of the day, however, Jane the Virgin doesn't need an Emmy. Gearing up for Season 4, it's still one of the most buzzed about shows on network television, and fans are more obsessed with the show than ever. There's no doubt JTV will continue to be excellent television even if the creative minds behind it don't have any Emmy statues to reflect the show's good work. Besides, there's always next year!