17 Ezria Moments That 'PLL' Fans Will Never Forget

As a major fan of Pretty Little Liars, there's one couple I've been rooting for right from the very start: Ezria. While Ezra Fitz and Aria Montgomery haven't always had the most appropriate relationship, the pair's chemistry is undeniable. That's mostly thanks to the acting talents of Ian Harding and Lucy Hale, and the characters they've helped create over the past seven seasons. So as Season 7B draws to a close, it's the perfect time to revisit the best Ezria moments from Pretty Little Liars, before we have to say goodbye for good.
Aria and Ezra's relationship started in an extremely scandalous way, when it turned out that Ezra was Aria's high school English teacher. While their love affair was kept secret for a long time, eventually the pair went public with their feelings for one another. Despite criticism and disapproval, this couple couldn't stay away from one another, and when Pretty Little Liars flashed forward several years, it was revealed that Aria never really got over Ezra.
Now that the couple is engaged and planning their wedding, Ezria 'shippers have a lot to look forward to in the final episodes of Pretty Little Liars. Here are just a few of the most unforgettable Ezria moments that have happened so far.
1Listening To B-26
Every Ezria fan knows that B-26 started it all, as it was the song playing in the bar when Ezra and Aria met for the first time.
2Their First Kiss
After listening to B-26, Aria and Ezra ended up making out in the bar bathroom. Standard.
3The Realization That Ezra Was A Teacher
The next day at school, Aria was shocked to find out that Ezra was her new English teacher.
7The Clandestine Car Kiss
The pair accidentally ended up sitting next to one another at the movies, where Aria was with her mom. Afterward, Ezra saved Aria from the rain, and a make-out session ensued.
9The Slow-Motion Run & Kiss
Ezra got a new job and left Rosewood High. Aria couldn't let him leave without saying goodbye.
10The Public Coffee Date
Since Ezra was no longer Aria's teacher, the pair grabbed coffee together. Yes, in public.
11The Masked Ball
Ezra made a romantic gesture to attend a public dance with Aria. There was kissing.
15When Aria Found Out About Ezra's True Crime Book
While the audience was hoping that Ezra was actually A, Aria was more upset about the fact that Ezra had violated her privacy. He'd spent their whole relationship researching a book about Alison's disappearance... and failed to mention it to her. Creep.
16The Reunion
After the flash forward, Aria and Ezra were reunited and clearly happy to see one another.
17The Proposal
*Insert heart emoji here.*
Clearly, Aria and Ezra are meant to be, and fans have a lot to look forward to in the final episodes of Pretty Little Liars. Basically, an Ezria wedding needs to happen, pronto.