15 Moments From 'The O.C.' Season 1 That Are Still Unforgettable

The O.C. turned 15 in early August, and the anniversary is the perfect reminder of how amazing the show's first season still is. Even though the second and third season are also full of memorable dramatic arcs, the first season of The O.C. is special to fans thanks to all its iconic moments, from Luke’s “Welcome to the O.C., bitch!” to the beginning of the show’s biggest romances. When it first aired, it was an excellent intro to characters that fans instantly fell in love with and proceeded to follow for four seasons.
The great thing about the O.C.'s first season is that it has 27 episodes, so it feels like two seasons in one — making it the perfect one to marathon. It has plenty of twists that fans could have never expected (Julie and Luke’s affair! Theresa’s pregnancy! Marissa’s scary experience in Tijuana!). But it also has so many touching moments that makes it easy to relate to the characters as they struggled with first relationships, family issues, teen angst, and so on. Plus, this season truly has it all: steamy affairs, love triangles, teen pregnancy, road trips, huge fights — and even an appearance by Paris Hilton. Take a trip down memory lane and revisit the first season’s best moments.
1Seth And Ryan's Immediate Bond
Even though the guys are completely different, they become friends in an instant when Seth asks Ryan to play video games.
2The Cotillion Ball
No fan can ever forget the Cotillion Ball, where Ryan gets his first taste of Newport life and his romance with Marissa blossoms. Plus, it's funny to think about Summer initially having a crush on Ryan.
4Ryan's Meet-Cute With Marissa
Even though Ryan and Marissa's relationship isn't quite perfect, their meet-cute is absolutely adorable and shows their instant chemistry.
5Summer's Banter With Seth
Though they bicker throughout their ride to Tijuana, it's clear Summer and Seth have tons of chemistry — even when she makes fun of Death Cab for Cutie.
6Ryan And Marissa's First Kiss
Although Ryan is terrified of heights, he's willing to ride the ferris wheel if it means kissing Marissa. This scene will give everyone serious goals of kissing their crush on a Ferris wheel.
7Seth And Summer's First Kiss
Summer kissing Seth is one of the cutest moments of The O.C., since it's evident they're meant to be from the start.
8Ryan's First Chrismukkah
This is the ultimate moment to show Ryan he's one of the Cohens, with Seth also excitingly expressing his love for the holiday.
9Anna And Summer Joining Forces
When Seth messes things up with both Anna and Summer, they become close friends — much to Seth’s dismay. It's the ultimate girl power move.
10Ryan's Dramatic New Year's Eve Entrance
Ryan proves to be the best boyfriend when he races to Newport to kiss Marissa at Oliver's party. His dramatic entrance sets some serious goals for everyone's NYE.
11The Rooney Episode
Many bands played The Bait Shop throughout the show, but Rooney was the first to get its own episode centered around it. Even though Rooney didn't quite retain the success of other bands from the show like The Killers, Modest Mouse, and Death Cab For Cutie, the episode perfectly encapsulates the time that The O.C. was on air.
12Seth And Summer's First Time
When Seth and Summer decide to have sex for the first time, it's sweet and awkward, making it very realistic.
13Anna's Emotional Farewell
When Anna's moving back to Pittsburgh, she shares an emotional moment with Seth letting him know that she'll always be there for him as a friend. Given how much Seth put her through, this shows how Anna is one of the most underrated and best characters of The O.C.
14The Trip To L.A.
There is so much that goes on in this episode, from Paris Hilton flirting with Seth to Summer having to deal with the star from her favorite TV show The Valley being a total creep. It showed how even though no trip is as dramatic as Tijuana, the gang's road trips are always eventful.
15The Vegas Trip
But even more eventful than the L.A. trip is the one to Las Vegas, where Seth learns the ultimate lesson on the consequences of his crappy actions.
It's time to re-watch The O.C. and look back at all these moments.