Taylor Swift's New Song Has A Sneaky 'Mean Girls' Reference You Probably Didn't Catch

After listening to the just-released Taylor Swift song, fans' ears are perking up. "Look What You Made Me Do" gives off Mean Girls vibes — and no, not just because of the pointed lyrics. As Twitter user @GagaChapel points out, Swift sampled the Mean Girls Halloween party track, or at least something that sounds a whole lot like it. And that song would be "Operate" by Peaches.
As a loyal Mean Girls fan, I even quickly double-checked by re-watching the scene on Netflix — and yup, there's no denying that Swift's new single from her upcoming album, Reputation, sounds incredibly similar to the track that plays as Cady Heron enters the Halloween party over-dressed.
Whether the similarities are intentional or not, you've got to admit that Mean Girls totally fits the vibe of the song. She's calling out a not-so-mysterious enemy in the lyrics. Swift sings, "No, I don’t like you / I don’t like your perfect crime / How you laugh when you lie," which could've come straight out of Cady's mouth. Or what about this line? "I got a list of names and yours is in red underlined / I check it once then I check it twice." It sounds just like when the Lindsay Lohan character goes after the Plastics.
For comparison's sake, you can check out Swift's track on Spotify below.
And then immediately follow it up with the original:
Nothing gets past fans on Twitter, huh? Now if only Regina George existed IRL to offer an official comment on the matter.