Tahzjuan & JPJ's' 'BiP' Date Was So Awkward, Twitter Could Not Even

So far, John Paul Jones has been all entertainment, all the time on Bachelor in Paradise, and now, it seems he may finally have met his match — but it's hard to tell if that's a good thing or a bad thing just yet. On Monday night's episode, Tahzjuan and John Paul Jones' date on Bachelor in Paradise was truly awkward from beginning to end, and it will make anyone feel better about the bad dates they've been on. And of course, fans are already taking to Twitter to share their thoughts, because... let's just say there are a lot of thoughts.
John Paul has been known for his big personality, and although Tahzjuan was kicked off of Colton Underwood's season of The Bachelor on night one, it didn't take long before her big personality came through on BIP. When she arrived, she was given a date card, and she chose to take John Paul out, and their date was truly unforgettable.
From the conversation to the fact that John Paul ate the date food — which he clearly wasn't supposed to do — and almost threw up to jumping in the water because they were both really hot... it was a lot to take in, especially with the Tahzjuan-related puns being thrown left and right.
The date itself made a whole lot of people uncomfortable... and could that be because many of us have experienced bad dates before and can totally relate? OK, so many of us probably haven't had dates quite like this one, but either way, it was definitely keeping fans interested.
Some fans couldn't help but point out that this date was a total mess — which it definitely was, even though the people who were actually on it seemed to be having fun.
Others thought that maybe John Paul Jones was sabotaging the date on purpose... but if he was, Tahzjuan definitely didn't see it that way.
And this tweet points out the true entertainment value of these two together.
A big line that people pointed out? The fact that Tahzjuan wasn't even turned off in the slightest by JPJ almost throwing up after eating the date food.
And speaking of the date food... a lot of people simply could not get over the fact that John Paul Jones actually ate it, and he seemed to suffer the consequence of that. Surprisingly enough, it was something that people seemed to relate to... because really, can we, as a society, expect someone not to eat food that's being put down in front of them?
Although a lot of fans saw this as a bad date, John Paul Jones and Tahzjuan both seemed to think it went well — and in the end, isn't that all that really matters? So far, JPJ seems to be a pretty hot commodity in paradise, so there's no telling if this will turn into anything. But judging by how strong Tahzjuan's feelings are for him already, who knows what could happen?