Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat — you can almost hear the cries of naughty children already. And no candy fits the trick or treat vibe quite as well as Sour Patch Kids — so sour, so sweet, and so zingy, they're perfect for Halloween. But now, their Halloween offerings have gotten even better, with Sour Patch Kids Zombie Halloween Candy.
That's right, the idea of eating tiny candy children just got even creepier, because now you can eat tiny undead candy children — what better treat for a Halloween night? In true Halloween form, these little only come in grape and orange flavors, to keep with the purple and orange color scheme perfect for the holiday. You may remember these from last year, when they were only available at 7-Eleven, according to Best Products. But this year, they're spreading farther and wider. In fact, you can buy a huge pack of them on Amazon, with 80 individually-wrapped mini-packs of the candy for less than $15.
If you have a lot of trick or treaters in your area, this may be the perfect solution. Or, if you just feel like eating 80 tiny bags of something, this might also be the solution. I'm not going to tell you how to spend your Halloween. Although I can only imagine what 80 packs of sourness would do to a person's stomach... that may be more of a trick than a treat.
If you're not so much into the sour palate for you Halloween candy, do not worry at all — because even though September has barely dawned, the Halloween candy options are already coming at us thick and fast. My personal favorite has to be the Reese's Pumpkin stuffed with actual Reese's Pieces, which looks like a darn joy to behold and will let you double-up on the Reese's goodness. There's also been Cauldron Skittles, which have made a creepy and triumphant return for this Halloween season — perfect for if you like your Skittles with a ghostly edge.
But, of course, it's not just the candy — you also need to get the decor on point for Halloween. Luckily, Disney has gone big and offered tons of Disney Halloween home decor options, including a candy bowl that looks like a pumpkin with Mickey ears, a sure Halloween slam dunk. You can just lay back with your Disney villain wine glasses and let the compliments roll in about how much you've nailed that Halloween feeling. Of, you can just drink wine and eat candy on your own — whatever way the spirits of Halloween move you.
Halloween always offers us a cornucopia of deliciousness — with candies that suit every preference and desire. You can get some rich chocolate, mint, peanut butter, gummies — this season has it all. But if you like your candy with a sour twist, then there's nothing better than Sour Patch Kids — and a Sour Patch Kids Zombies are even more on point. Just pace yourself, because 80 bags are a lot to get through if you're going solo. But I have faith in you.