Single's Awareness Day Memes For 2017

February 14th goes by two names: Valentine's Day and Single's Awareness Day. If you prefer to call it by the latter, then chances are that these 12 Single's Awareness Day memes for 2017 might come in handy for you. The fact of the matter is that everybody isn't in a romantic relationship, and that leaves a huge lot of the general population sulking in their own misery come February 14th. So how do you get out of the dumps and lift your spirits if you're one of the aforementioned? With humor, of course!
Nothing beats a great sense of humor, and if you're considering February 14th to be Single's Awareness Day, you had better have one. Of course, there's nothing wrong with being single, and for many people, it's a chosen lifestyle. But that being said, if there is one day of the year that it might sting, it's got to be Valentine's Day.
These memes will help you laugh the pain away. Grumpy Cat makes a couple appearances, as does the Dos Equis guy. They're here to make you laugh, make you cry, and make you do just about everything in between. Hang in there singles, this day only happens once a year.
Well that's a little rude, Grumpy Cat. We're not all Kim Kardashians, you know!
He's got a point. It is drawing a lot of attention to your relationship status.
Well at least there's one good thing about being single on Valentine's Day.
Don't worry, it only lasts twenty-four hours.
No, Patrick. Sorry.
The one person who makes singledom look cool.
Wouldn't we all?
At least there's coffee involved.
By choice?
One and the same.
Images: Aaron Burden/Unsplash; MemeCenter