
This New App Is A Must-Download For Readers

by K.W. Colyard

Over the last decade, inspirational quotes laid over hazy, de-saturated images of coffee mugs and evergreen trees have become part-and-parcel to the whole Internet gig, but making your own can be a tedious task. Now, you can share your favorite book quotes with the Postepic app, the new "Instagram for book quotes."

Available as a free download for iOS, Postepic allows users to share the quotes they love, just by snapping photos of book pages. Narrow the focus to the text you want to share, and Postepic's optical character recognition (OCR) tool — which works with Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish — pulls up to 600 characters to place on one of the app's 20 pre-installed backgrounds. Postepic supports 30 fonts, so chances are high you'll find one to match your ~aesthetic~.

You can share your favorite book quotes with other Postepic users or make your captures private. The app also lets you export your images to other major social apps, including Twitter, Instagram, and WhatsApp. At the time of this writing, you cannot follow other users or tags, but co-founder Lukasz Konofalski says Postepic hopes to add those features in a future update:

Our goal is to offer a solution that many content and photo sharing apps use: to give users a choice to pick their favorite genres and authors to adjust their feed... Additionally, we want to launch a functionality of following other users, so their posts show up in user’s feed… [but] decided to postpone the functionality… until we reach a community size that would warrant this.

Postepic is available now for free on iOS.