Serena Williams' Quote About Alexis Ohanian Will Make You Fall Even More In Love With Them

These two really are couples goals, and for good reason. In a new interview for Allure's first Body + Mind Issue released on Thursday, Serena Williams revealed Alexis Ohanian never dims her light. Williams' admission about her husband really isn't surprising, because ever since they first started dating he's made it extremely apparent how much the tennis champion inspires him. Every chance Ohanian gets, he's standing next to his wife uplifting her in the most amazing ways.
Believe it or not, but another empowering woman once told Williams the importance of ensuring you surround yourself with people who help you shine. That woman was Oprah Winfrey, of course. "Oprah said, 'Never let anyone dim your light,'" the tennis champ recalled.
As you can imagine, Oprah's words "stuck" with Williams and she was lucky enough to find a partner who wants her to shine in every moment of life. The athlete told Allure,
"Alexis doesn’t dim my light. He doesn’t try to dim my light. He puts me in the light, even if I don’t want to be. He pushes me to further points I never thought about. It always was something that I could see in some relationships — my light would be dimmer. Now I feel like I can shine really bright and still do everything that I want to do."
This is exactly what true partnership is and should be for everyone. The person you're with and who loves you should want you to be the best version of yourself, all while wanting you to strive for more.
A lot of men are uncomfortable or feel intimidated when a woman is more successful or powerful than them, but that's certainly not the case with Ohanian. On multiple occasions, he's proven exactly how he feels about Williams. The Reddit co-founder couldn't be prouder to be her husband.
For example, in September 2018, he made a video (above) showing why he's so honored to be Williams' partner in life. Yes, this is the type of man Ohanian is. Does he have a twin brother or a clone out there?
He captioned the video,
"She fought for her life, for our child, for recognition, for equal pay, for women’s rights. She never gives up. She’s passionate and unrelenting and the most inspiring person I know. I had this made for @serenawilliams last night after her match with some home videos from 1 year ago this week. Help me make sure she sees it! #iloveyouserena."
If that isn't enough, as you can see below, last February Ohanian created four billboards for Williams welcoming her back to the tennis court after giving birth to their daughter, Alexis Olympia Ohanian Jr. The billboards described Williams as the "GMOAT" or the "Greatest Momma of all Time."
What makes Ohanian even more perfect is that he doesn't think things like editing a video, designing billboards, or flying Williams to Italy simply because she wanted Italian food are that romantic of gestures.
He told Us Weekly in July 2018,
"When I think of the most romantic things I’ve done for my wife, I actually think they’re the times when I was just there as a father to our baby, or as a husband. It doesn’t have to be the super extravagant trip to Rome or to Venice for Italy food. It just needs to be stepping up and being there, being a great partner."
He truly is all about wanting Williams to shine as much as possible. They really do have the most beautiful partnership.