You Can Buy Giant Water Trampolines At Sam's Club Just In Time For Summer

There isn't going to be a shortage of water accessories available this summer, so clear your garage storage space to make extra room. You'll need some serious square footage cleaned out because Sam's Club has giant inflatable water trampolines for sale and you need one. Prepare yourself for some seriously ~big fun~.
You can choose to spend your summer lounging on an oversized float. But if you need a bit more of activity and don't want to compromise on the extraordinary size of things, you'll be all about these oversized trampolines from Sam's Club. With the temperatures rising and lake days quickly approaching, you can count on seeing more and more floating trampolines filling the water. I'd love to tell you that they'll also fit in your pool but at almost six feet wide and ten feet long, that might not be possible. A large body of water is recommended for the utmost fun.
You can choose between a giant duck or a giant turtle to leap into the lake from. The WOW Novelty Water Bouncer costs $299.98 and both styles are available online. However, the duck bouncer is also available in your local Sam's Club. Don't be concerned about floating away. The trampolines come equipped with an anchor system so you can bounce and dive all day long. Boarding the bouncer couldn't be easier or cuter. Just climb up on the flippers. They literally lend a "hand".
Summer 2019 is all about having your own private island. And that doesn't mean that you have to be a millionaire because this year 'private islands' inflate. The theme for this summer is apparently larger-than-life because these floaties are so big that they can probably be spotted from a satellite. In addition to the bouncers, Sam's Club is also selling a 6-Person Inflatable Party Island. Choose from lounging on a swan, flamingo or a boat styled float. The inflatable island retails for $169.98 and is designed for "hours of relaxation." And, yes, you'll be wanting to chill for hours, so bring a ~chilled~ bottle of rosé.
For those nearer smaller bodies of water, there are still trendy floats for you. Try a Corgi Float that'll perfectly fit in any pool. Or, if you want to bring the ~sparkle~ to the shore there's a certain float that can't be missed if you tried. The Glitter Pool Float from Urban Outfitters brings '90s glam to the wherever you've chosen to take a dip and is a must have. But the options for trendy floats don't stop there. Amazon has a Sloth Shaped Pool Float that you can literally cuddle with. The Sloth Shaped Pool Float arms serve as both drink holder and hugger.
Whether you want to jump into the lake or lounge on top of it, there are limitless options to do either. Sam's Club is the place to stock up on lake accessories this year — from smaller floats to the ones so large that they could be mistaken for boats.
Now that it's almost time for quality lake, pools, and ocean time, it's time to equip yourself with the proper accessories. Your Instagram will thank you.