Sam has gone through quite the journey on Big Brother. She began the season as an actual robot, and managed to work her way into the final five. However, all robots have to be shut down sometime, and Sam's eviction from the Big Brother house at the hands of Level Six went surprisingly smooth, especially given the fact that Sam tended to have an occasional penchant for some aggressive language.
In a post-eviction interview, Sam told Julie Chen that was surprised by her eviction, claiming that "Tyler had always said he had my back in a Final Two [alliance], and JC is kind of annoying." Despite the fact that Tyler did not honor the Final Two agreement, Sam claimed that she "think any differently of Tyler or any of [the other houseguests]." However, as Sam left the Big Brother house, she did have one message for the house — to feed the fish.
Sam spoke to Julie about feelings of loneliness that she felt in the house, feelings that led her to say that she was planning on self-evicting by making a "voluntary exit" from the house and "grab the lead pipe that I took off the locker in the bathroom and smash every single one of these glass TVs." However, upon her eviction from the house she spoke to Julie about how grateful she was to CBS for the opportunity, and even waved back at the very houseguests that evicted her on her way out the door. Despite Sam's difficulties in the house, this robot was programmed to be all smiles on her way out the door.
Sam's start in the house was fairly rocky, being on the block during the very first eviction. However, her luck held out in the weeks that followed, resulting in an HoH win that involved some controversial nominations that sent home instantly iconic houseguest Kaitlyn. After a season of high emotions, occasional lessons in the gruesome definition of the term "curbstomp," and threats to "stomp a mud hole" into people's chest, Sam managed to stay in the house due almost exclusively to the fact that she wasn't part of the FOUTTE alliance that was Level Six's biggest target.
While it may have seemed like a blessing in disguise that she wasn't in the FOUTTE alliance, Sam's feelings of isolation likely came from being outside of the two warring alliances in the house, and only having Tyler — who had Final Two deals with nearly the entire house — to trust in. In the end she was no match for the Level Six alliance and became the latest houseguest to get picked off following their 10 consecutive competition wins. Despite the frustration that must have come from seeing who she considered her closest ally evicting her from the Big Brother house, Sam went back on her promise to "tear every door of their f*ckng hinges" and "rip these b*tches to shreds" that she made in a prior episode.
Sam's time in the Big Brother house may not have been easy, but it looks like she'll be looking back on the experience fondly — but that tune may change before audiences see her again during the Big Brother 20 finale on Sept 26.