Ryan Reynolds Gets Real About Flying With Children

While promoting his new horror film Life on Good Morning America, the always hilarious Ryan Reynolds confirmed how unpleasant it can be traveling with young children. It all went down when GMA co-host George Stephanopoulos began reading through a few of Reynolds' LOL-worthy tweets about parenting. You know, like the one where he referred to his 6-month-old daughter's art work as "absolute garbage," or when he said he was teaching his daughter that the sun went down each night because it was "mad at her." After discussing how he tries to be honest about parenting (Reynolds has two daughters with wife Blake Lively), the actor revealed that he used to feel empathy for parents when he saw them flying with their kids, but now he gets to hate traveling with his own two children.
Reynolds said,
"I’ve always had empathy for parents, especially flying. I remember, before I had kids, I was always like ‘God that’s hard.’ You know, because you can see they’re sweating, and they’re nervous, because their kid’s yelling and everyone’s mad at them… and I’m the same way. I would rather drink a piping hot bowl of liquid rabies than get on a plane with my two children."
I don't know about you, but I can definitely relate to Reynolds' mention of feeling empathy for parents flying with small children. Especially when it's just one parent, and they're outnumbered by little ones. I can only imagine how horribly uncomfortable and stressed they must feel.
Reynolds went on to explain exactly how his oldest behaves on a plane. "At two years old they just have to rip off their clothing and introduce themselves to everyone on the plane," he joked. "It’s like, ‘please can we land!’"
To all of my fellow readers who don't currently have children, you have it straight from the horse's mouth — flying with children is exactly as painful as it looks.