Donald Trump Blames Those Darn Computers

President-elect Donald Trump isn't a fan of those newfangled computer things. Though he has no problem telling the world what he thinks during all hours of the night through social media, "the age of computer," as he so eloquently put it, is perhaps just too much for him. This mysterious "age of computer," the president-elect reasons, is behind many of the world's woes — in fact, Trump believes that computers can be blamed for that whole Russian hacking thing, a mere inconvenience from the way his team paints it.
Of course, in Trump's America, the real threat isn't a democracy crippled by foreign interference, but a lack of understanding about computers. Should Russia and its leaders be blamed and consequently punished for their email hacking of the Democratic National Committee and Democratic officials? Trump doesn't think so. (And with Trump being Trump, why should he? The CIA confirmed, after all, that the hacking was done with explicit purpose to help him win the presidency).
So when asked about the possibility of the United States imposing sanctions on Russia for their interference in the presidential election, Trump quickly blamed computers. He told a group of reporters outside his Mar-a-Lago resort on Wednesday: "I think that computers have complicated lives very greatly."
"The whole age of computer has made it where nobody knows exactly what is going on. And we have speed — we have a lot of other things, but I'm not sure we have the kind the security we need."
Trump followed this up with a suggestion: Americans "ought to get on with our lives" when it comes to the hacking of the presidential election.
His statements regarding those scary computers and their stronghold over the election came hours after Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham suggested that Trump and the incoming administration impose further sanctions on Russia.
Senator Graham said that Trump ought to be in charge of enacting the sanctions. If President Obama were to enact sanctions before his term ends with Trump later undoing them, it would be sending "the wrong signal."
"Let the new Congress and the new president deal with Russia, pass new sanctions, much tougher than the ones we already have," Graham said. "I would put their energy sector under sanction."
Despite this urging from top Republican officials, it seems that Trump is willing to let bygones be bygones — even if it's at the cost of election integrity.