Reese's Peanut Butter Comes In COOKIE DOUGH Form Now

In the grand ranking of cookies, one variety reigns supreme. Chocolate chip cookies are the standard. But a nuttier, peanut buttier version follows close behind. Many even prefer a peanut butter cookie to a chocolate one. When you mix the two, marvelous things happen, but making the perfect standalone peanut butter cookie can be difficult — enter Pillsbury Reese's Peanut Butter cookie dough, which is here to save you from every questioning your peanut butter-related choices again.
There are so many different kinds of PB on the market, and getting the ratio correct in a cookie is challenging. But I think we can all agree that when it comes to peanut butter, Reese's can do no wrong. Food Instagram @ThreeSnackateers posted a photo of the the brand's take on cookie dough, with a caption reading, "Let’s not forget that Pillsbury makes Ready to Bake Reese’s Peanut Butter Cookies!" They are right: Let's not forget.
The package of Reese's Peanut Butter Cookies bears a striking resemblance to the package of the chocolate candy after which it was modeled, so it'll be super recognizable if you're looking for it on shelves.
A package of cookie dough contains real Reese's peanut butter, and enough dough for two dozen cookies. So, you'll have enough to satisfy a craving, and some for later. Or not. You do you.
Reese's are a classic candy, and, according to USA Today, are considered one of the top three favorite Halloween candies in 20 percent of the states in the U.S. But, the love for this salty sweet extends far beyond Halloween. The autumn holiday is far from the only one celebrated with candy. Take for example Valentine's Day. Candy and Valentine's Day go together like, well, peanut butter and chocolate. This past Valentine's Day, PB & C fans had the opportunity to pick up a bouquet of Reese's, vase included.
The Reese's Extravaganza Bouquet, per its product description on the Walmart website, is "crafted with 36 delectable peanut butter cups and coordinating orange faux flowers. The perfect gift for special occasions or just because, this beautifully wrapped extravaganza bouquet will show your loved one how much you care." Read that a second time. Nowhere does it actually say the bouquet is reserved for romance. Valentine's Day has come and gone, but the Reese's Extravaganza Bouquet is still available for purchase on the Walmart website.
While on the topic of Reese's, it should be noted Hershey, the chocolate company behind Reese's, has been up to some confectionary magic recently. Two new varieties of the iconic cups care called Chocolate Lovers Cups and Peanut Butter Lovers Cups. When eating a peanut butter cup, some people prefer the chocolate, and some prefer the peanut butter. These new variations focus on that difference — the Chocolate Lovers Cup is packed with extra chocolate, while the Peanut Butter Lovers Cup has a layer of peanut butter candy on the top.
Sometimes you want both candy and a baked good to satisfy your sweet tooth. It's in this situation that Reese's Peanut Butter Cookies are ideal. Snag some in retail stores nationwide, or head to Pillsbury's website to order. A tip: consider adding a peanut butter cup to the top of each cookie s soon as it comes out of the oven for a melty, extra decadent treat.