Rainbow Roots Is The Next Big Color Trend

It seems like every month brings a new hair color trend that goes viral on social media, and it looks like hidden rainbow roots are going to be the hair color trend of the moment. Although rainbow hair has been making the rounds on the internet for at least a year now, this is the first time I'm seeing this particular style of roots — here's exactly what hidden rainbow roots are.
The internet first spotted the style at Blondies of Melbourne, a Melbourne, Australia-based salon that specializes in rainbow hair. One of the salon's customers came in for a special rainbow hair treatment, and the end result was actually so cool. The stylist bleached the hair model's roots and dyed them different colors of the rainbow, but left the top layers untouched. That means the rainbow of colors is only visible when the hair is braided or styled, but it looks mostly untouched from other angles.
It seems like every month brings a new rainbow hair trend, but this is actually one I think I could get behind. I like that it's not super obvious when you first glance at the hair, but when you tousle it it's much more obvious that the rainbow roots are there.
How cool is that effect? Here's how the process works.
The stylists started by bleaching the roots so the color could show up.
Next, they applied layers of color.
Here's the final effect. It looks a little crazy in this picture, but seeing videos and styles makes the whole thing seem a lot more cohesive.
It's pretty cool, right?
I actually really like how it looks styled like this as well.
Plus, how awesome does it look braided?
Some other salons are also picking up on the trend. How cool are the blue and green-toned roots on this style?
Here they are called stained glass roots. I definitely think this look works best on brunettes or people with naturally dark hair.
Although I can't say that I'd try this look out myself, I have to admit that it does look cool. And who knows, it might be the next big trend.