These Quotes From Bill Cosby's Accusers Will Give You Chills

Bill Cosby was convicted of aggravated indecent assault on Thursday, with a jury finding him guilty on three charges related to his drugging and sexual assault of Andrea Constand in 2004. Several of the comedian's other alleged victims testified at the trial as well, and some of these quotes from Cosby's accusers will give you chills.
"Even though I didn’t know him, I trusted him," Janice Baker-Kinney testified during the trial. Baker-Kinney alleges that in 1982, Cosby gave her two pills that knocked her unconscious before sexually assaulting her. She said that she trusted him because she had an image of him as a "happy, nice comedian," according to The New York Times.
“You remember, don’t you, Mr. Cosby?” Chelan Lasha said when she took the stand during the trial. Lasha says that in 1986, Cosby invited her to his hotel suite, supposedly to help her with her modeling career, and gave her what he claimed was an antihistamine. Soon, she said, she couldn't move.
“He laid me on the bed," Lasha said during her testimony. "I could not move any more after that. He kept pinching my breast and humping my leg. Waking up, I was naked.” Lasha says that when it was over, she heard Cosby say, "Daddy said, wake up," at which point he allegedly pushed her out the door.
Cosby denies having sexually assaulted anybody, and he argued during his trial that his encounter with Constand was consensual.
The jury convicted Cosby on three counts of aggravated indecent assault — specifically, penetration with lack of consent, penetration while unconscious, and penetration after administrating an intoxicant, according to Rolling Stone. Each of those convictions carries a maximum of 10 years in prison, although Cosby won't be sentenced until later in the year.
Constand described Cosby's sexual assault in disturbing detail. After taking three pills that Cosby claimed would "take the edge off," she says she became woozy, and soon felt Cosby behind her.
"I felt his fingers going in and out, very forcefully," Constand testified, according to NPR.
Although Cosby was only on trial for his assault of Constand, several other women who've also accused him of sexual assault also took the stand and told their stories. Heidi Thomas, who says that Cosby drugged and sexually assaulted her after initially offering to be her mentor, said that she only remembers "snapshots" of what happened after she accepted a drink from Cosby that night.
“They aren’t even fuzzy," Thomas testified of her memories, according to Jezebel. "They just aren’t there. I call them snapshots because that what they look like in my head. ... There’s just blank until there’s a picture.”
One of those "snapshots," she said, was a memory of Cosby forcing her to perform oral sex on him. In another, she recalls Cosby saying, "you're with Mr. C, your friend" and "your friend is gonna come again."
Thomas says that, although her memories of the night are fuzzy, she initially blamed herself after the alleged assault.
“I must have said something that made him think this was acceptable," Thomas recalled thinking at the time, according to Jezebel. "I must have given some signal that, you know, she’s the kind she’s gonna sleep her way to the top.”
At least 58 women have accused Cosby of sexual assault, according to a 2016 tally by The Washington Post. During her testimony, Baker-Kinney said that it was difficult to see media reports about Cosby's other accusers, as she had "pushed down" memories of her own alleged assault.
"For 30 years I kept it pushed down inside me," she said on the stand, according to Jezebel. "For 30 years I didn’t want to, didn’t want to think about it. I didn’t want to hear about anyone else who might have said similar things.”
This was Cosby's second trial in the Constand case after the first ended in a mistrial in 2017. According to media reports, Cosby erupted into an "expletive-laden tirade" in court after the guilty verdict was announced.