Harry & Meghan’s Body Language Says They Wanted To Skip Their Last Royal Event. Can You Blame Them?

Some personal news — since announcing that they're stepping back from their royal duties, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have remained a united front, seemingly bonded together stronger than ever. Exhibit A: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's body language at their last royal appearance on March 9 at Westminster Abbey for the Commonwealth Day service.
Key members of the Royal Family gathered together in Westminster Abbey, from Queen Elizabeth II to Prince William and Kate Middleton, to celebrate. If you've been following all the Royal Family drama, you may recall that this annual public event wasn't just Harry and Meghan's final appearance as senior royals. In fact, the Commonwealth Day service was also the first outing the two have attended with Prince William and Kate Middleton since announcing their departure (although they won't officially stop using their HRH titles or receiving royal money until March 31). Since Megan and Harry weren't working the event as royals, the two were ushered to their seats instead of waiting for the Queen's arrival with the rest relatives. Awkward!
Bustle asked two body language experts to analyze three pictures from the event, and provide a little more insight into how the couple has been holding up since moving out of grandma's house
Harry Wants To Protect Megan
Harry is pictured walking slightly in front of Megan, Karen Donaldson, body language and confidence expert, tells Bustle. "This signals that he is taking the lead in this particular situation and that he wants to protect her," she says.
Maryann Karinch, body language expert and co-author of The Art of Body Talk, adds that Meghan is wearing a "lovely red-carpet smile." She also points out that the lining of Harry's jacket matches the green of her dress. "It could suggest they pay a lot of attention to each other," she says.
They're Not Entirely Thrilled To Be There
Before the service, Karinch says Harry and Meghan's faces portray a "sense of duty." In other words, they don't appear to be in attendance because they want to be there — they're there because they have to be.
"Who could be truly happy in a setting where they are being snubbed by relatives?" Karinch asks, further confirming that the two may be the most relatable couple of all time.
Meghan & Harry Are Solid
Perhaps most importantly, Meghan and Harry are consistently pictured holding hands, which not only displays solidarity, but suggests that the two feel a sense of security with each other. According to Donaldson, the way they naturally touch never feels artificial or forced.
"Their entire palm touch when holding hands in the image and their clasp is intentional and tight, on both parts," she says. "The tighter clasp indicates that their union is solid and is indicative of the high level of security they feel with one another."
Harry and Meghan's last public appearance as senior members of the Royal Family further confirms that familial obligations can be tireless affairs, but with mutual support and unconditional love, you can make it out on the other side. Oh, and that a little distance from your childhood home can do your relationship some good.
Maryann Karinch, body language expert and co-author of The Art of Body Talk
Karen Donaldson, body language expert and communication coach