Wednesday, Nov. 14, is a happy day for the British royal family. It's the Prince of Wales' 70th birthday, and the family is partially celebrating with a video all about Prince Charles. The special footage was shared on Wednesday on several of the official royal family's social media accounts. If you haven't watched it yet, you really need to take two-and-a-half minutes of your day to do so. It's worth it, especially because you get to see just how much Charles and Prince George look alike.
The video features a range of photos of Charles throughout the years, one even photographed by Lord Snowdon, Antony Armstrong-Jones, the late Princess Margaret's former husband. The birthday video starts with Queen Elizabeth II holding her firstborn son after he was born in 1948. Actually, in the very first image shown of Charles with his mom, you can see how much George looks like Charles as a child. The resemblance between the grandson and grandfather isn't extremely blatant, nor are they exact twins, but you can definitely tell they're related.
The next few photos of Charles in the video show him as a young boy, and there's no denying he's George's grandfather, especially in the eyes. They also have pretty similar smiles as children, not to mention the same nose.
For comparison, look at the first slide in the video above and then look at this photo of George at his christening in October 2013. Do you see how the likeness?
You can really see the similarity between grandfather and grandson in the newest portraits of the royal family that were released on Tuesday for Charles' birthday.
The first is a lovely family photo that even features George adorably sitting on Charles' lap.
Then, there is the following image that shows even the British royal family sometimes don't take the most perfect photos and have to laugh through family portrait sessions. Also, just look at George laughing so hard. First, he's the sweetest. Second, his inner younger Charles is really showcased here.
George resembling his grandfather isn't the only thing the two have in common. They seem to have a beautiful bond. Actually, Prince William even recently called his father a "brilliant" grandfather. In the BBC One documentary, Prince, Son & Heir: Charles at 70, William said about his father,
"I would like him to have more time with the children. Having more time with him at home would be lovely, and being able to, you know, play around with the grandchildren. When he’s there, he’s brilliant, but we need him there as much as possible."
Charles is so "brilliant" in fact he even planted trees for George at his Scottish home of Birkhall after his birth in July 2013. In the same documentary in honor of his 70th birthday, Charles revealed, "This is George's wood. As I get older, all I really long for is to plant trees. I hope it will be quite amusing for George, as they grow up, and he grows up."
The grandson and grandfather definitely share more than their appearances, but it really is something to see how much George resembles Charles as a young boy.