Primark's Latest Harry Potter Creation Would Make Molly Weasley SO Proud

Set down your brooms and hold onto your robes, because Primark have only gone and outdone themselves again. You too can feel like a true member of the Weasley clan, as Primark are selling Harry Potter themed Christmas jumpers. If you hadn't already guessed, yes they are inspired by the hand knitted jumpers Molly Weasley gave Ron and Harry on Christmas Day. I know, I can't quite believe it either.
While these jumpers may not look exactly the same as the ones Ron and Harry wore in The Philosopher's Stone, they're pretty damn close. If you're looking the real deal, you can actually buy replicas of the jumpers via the The Making of Harry Potter online store, but they'll cost you a pretty penny at around £70.
That's because they are actually "knitted and assembled in the Scottish Mill that made the costumes" for the films, which makes the price a bit more justifiable. But TBH, Primark's own take is pretty similar, as these side by sides show, and for only £14, they are absolute steal.
And while you're in Primark, you might as well peruse their Harry Potter Christmas range. No, I'm not joking. Feel like sprucing up your Christmas tree with some true Hogwarts magic? The high street store have a selection of baubles on offer — all between £4 and £5 — that include the Hogwarts crest, the Platform 9 and 3/4 sign, and each individual house adorned with its colour and symbol.
There are these adorable little figurines of Ron, Hermoine, and Hagrid that you can add to your tree (or your keys). There's a peculiar absence of a Harry decoration on Primark's online store though. Maybe there's a different selection in-store, or I might just have to start a petition.
If you want to move your Harry Potter themed Christmas all around your home, Primark are selling scented candles for each house at £2 in really cute jars with aesthetically pleasing wax designs that match the patterns on the house scarves.
Always wanted a check throw to put on the end of your bed like Harry and Ron? At £14, Primark have got you covered in that department too, along with a set of 20 LED Hedwig lights for £3. Who needs floo powder when you've got a muggle version of Diagon Alley in your local city centre?
Primark only put a selection of their items on their website — they're not actually available to buy online — but it doesn't even cover their Harry Potter clothing and home-wear ranges in store.
Believe me, I went to my local Primark last week after being lured by their recent Disney range and I've never seen so much Hogwarts related items in my life. If you're not sold on the Harry and Ron jumpers (I mean, how could you not be), there are plenty of other Potter themed jumpers to choose from, trust me.
So, what are you waiting for? Start making that wish list and get saving because Christmas 2018 is going to be the most magical yet.