Planned Parenthood Has A "Plan B" For Donald Trump

Despite seven years of promises that congressional Republicans could repeal and replace Obamacare, House GOP pulled the health care replacement bill from the floor on Friday afternoon. On Wednesday, White House press secretary Sean Spicer laid out their plan, or lack thereof, for if Trumpcare fails. "No, there is no plan B," Spicer said. "There is a plan A, and plan A. We're going to get this done. We're going to get it done, that's it, plain and simple." Well, luckily, Planned Parenthood has "Plan B" for Donald Trump and Paul Ryan. No, the irony is not lost on any of us.
A vote on the American Health Care Act, also known as Trumpcare or, alternatively, Ryancare, was postponed the day after President Trump made a big gamble, ultimately threatening to walk away from the health care reform if he didn't get a vote. Despite what CNN accurately calls "fierce arm-twisting" from the president, Republicans still couldn't wrangle enough votes from moderate Republicans and extreme right Republicans to push the vote through. "We came up short," House Speaker Paul Ryan told reporters, according to CNN. "We are going to be living with Obamacare for the foreseeable future."
If there was ever a moment to be petty, or at least shamelessly gleeful, this is it for the Democrats. And oh, did they seize upon it.
But there was perhaps no more on point tweet in the aftermath than Planned Parenthood's. When Margarita Noriega, founder of the Internet Review, posted: "Oh the irony that Donald Trump and Paul Ryan have no Plan B" — which, by the way, is an A+ tweet — Planned Parenthood retweeted and added another message.
It was one of those beautiful moments when brand awareness and good news collided, allowing the women's health provider to not only breathe easy, but to gloat (even in the tiniest of ways).
Under the iteration of the bill that was pulled on Friday, Planned Parenthood would lose its federal funding. Leaders of the organization, though undoubtedly pleased, won't be able to rest easy. Top officials are planning a meeting in Washington next week to figure out their next moves, and though they're not sure what the Republicans will have for them next, no one thinks that the conservative campaign against Planned Parenthood will end anytime soon.
"It's one good night's sleep, and then we have to see what they are going to cook up," Chris Charbonneau, chief executive of Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest and the Hawaiian Islands, told Reuters. "They're trying to find some vehicle that they could hook some Planned Parenthood defund(ing) to."