You Need To See Paul McCartney In 'Pirates' Garb

Yo ho, yo ho, it's a pirate's life for... Paul McCartney? On Saturday, McCartney tweeted his Pirates of the Caribbean character poster, and man, it's a lot to take in. Like, you might want to prepare yourself, because up until now, you possibly believed that you'd seen everything this world has to offer. Alas, you were dead wrong. Seeing a former Beatle dressed as a pirate is quite a sight to behold. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing just yet, but let's try and decide together, shall we?
According to McCartney's IMDb page, his role in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales is simply listed as "Jail Guard #2." Now, if you look at his poster, I can tell you for certain McCartney is not just a jail guard. In the world of POTC, jail guards don't really look they way he looks in this poster. In previous POTC films, we've seen guards, or even authority figures of note, dressed as proper English soldiers — think of the guards in the opening scene from POTC: At World's End or when Jack Sparrow was hauled in to meet the King of England in POTC: On Stranger Tides. These guards don't quite look as rough and tumble as McCartney does in this poster.
In the photo, McCartney is decked out in full pirate gear, complete with a weather-beaten hat, dreadlocks, beard braids, and he's holding what looks like some playing cards. To reiterate: This is literally the least jail guard-like outfit imaginable. So, who is McCartney actually playing in Pirates? Seriously, someone let me know.
Another reason to believe McCartney's not simply playing a jail guard is because of the way he captioned his character poster: "#PiratesLife." You certainly wouldn't caption a photo as such if you were playing a silly old jail guard, would you? No way. The only conclusion to be made is that this evergreen musician is going to be making a memorable POTC cameo.
Interestingly, this isn't the first time a famous English musician has popped up in the world of POTC. If you cast your minds back, you may recall that Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards appeared in 2007's Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World's End as Jack Sparrow's father.
It's good to see the franchise is continuing its habit with McCartney's casting. If you do go see Dead Men Tell No Tales this summer, make sure to keep your eyes peeled for McCartney. Something tells me he's going to appear in a rather interesting manner.