A Study Revealed How Many Brits Drink Enough Water & You Might Want To Grab A Drink

One of the most common pieces of advice you will ever receive for pretty much any ailment or bodily concern out there is to drink more water. I myself am terrible at drinking enough H2O, even though I know how important it is and all the many wondrous things it can do for the body and more specifically, for the skin. And it sounds like I'm not alone. A new study has shown that over half of Brits don't drink enough water. But what exactly does this mean for our skin health?
So, yes, the results are in, and it turns out we're a nation who does not meet the recommended daily intake of water. A study conducted by Robinsons showed that 62% of Brits don’t drink the recommended daily water intake of 2-2.5 litres, while almost half of us dislike drinking water, with 52% saying it is boring (I can relate).
But drinking water is so crucial for so many reasons. As Robinsons points out, our bodies are made up of 60% water, and rely on water intake for survival. As well as doing things like maintaining the body's temperature, removing waste, and lubricating joints, the clear stuff also has a number of benefits for our skin.
If you're concerned about the condition of your skin, chances are you may not be drinking enough water. Here are all the ways it can aid the skin:
1Dry lips = sorted
I constantly suffer from super dry, chapped lips, and there are suggestions that this could be down to a lack of water intake. The NHS forum explains that dry mouth can lead to dry lips, which can be improved by upping your fluid intake. While lip balm is a great short-term fix, ensuring you are not dehydrated can serve as a more permanent solution.
2Dehydrated skin be gone
There is a difference between dry and dehydrated skin; while dry is a skin type, dehydrated is a condition, meaning even oily skin can be dehydrated. While slathering the skin with hard-hitting moisturisers is essential in restoring the skin's hydration levels, this will only take you so far. Skin that is dehydrated needs water, says Ross C. Radusky, a board-certified dermatologist at SoHo Skin & Laser Dermatology. He told Allure that, in terms of dehydrated skin, "internal hydration is vital." He continued: "drink plenty of fluids, and eat water-rich fruits and vegetables and essential fatty acids."
3Radiance restored
You'll no doubt have heard somewhere that drinking water is responsible for giving skin that enviable 'glow.' While it's probably a little more complicated than that, drinking water is a great place to start. “When skin is dehydrated it lacks elasticity, fine lines and under eye circles often appear more pronounced and skin tends to look flat," dermatologist Dr Justine Hextall told Harper's Bazaar. "Whereas hydrated skin just glows, looking more plump, calmer and reflects light better hence the term 'glowing skin.'” Similarly, Dr Howard Murad, top dermatologist and founder of Murad skincare, told Grazia that drinking water "hydrates the body overall, which will help the skin to glow from within." Drink up!
4Acne prone skin could improve
All skin types benefit from drinking water, but there are suggestions that, as well as dehydrated skin, acne-prone skin craves water. Rachel Nazarian, M.D., a board-certified dermatologist at the Schweiger Dermatology Group in New York City and an assistant clinical professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital, told Women's Health that water can help maintain a good balance of oil in the skin, hence potentially helping with blemishes. “[I've] found that my patients tend to complain of more acne lesions when they’re dehydrated," she said, before continuing:
“We know that small changes in diet can affect the type of oil and sebum that your skin makes, which we know, in turn, can be associated with an increase in acne formation. Dehydration may work the same way to trigger these changes in the oil glands in the skin.”