You Can Stay In This Luxury Space Hotel As Soon As 2022 — But It’ll Cost You

Planning your next travel destination? Sure, palm trees are nice, but why not consider space? Yes, that space. You can now literally reach for the stars when booking your next vacation. A proposed luxury space hotel would cost almost $1 million per day, but I'm still going to save up. And you might want to too. In light of this announcement, now would also be a good time to brush up on your astronaut abilities. Just in case we all become multi-millionaires before 2022.
Don't worry if your astronaut abilities are starkly absent. If you dreamed about the planets but never got to go to Space Camp, you'll get your four week — plus eight weeks — crash course. Because getting to space requires a little more than booking a commercial flight. In order to get to the out of this world lodging, called Aurora Station and developed by start-up Orion Span, you'll have to learn how the astronauts do, Bloomberg reported. Frank Bunger, chief executive officer and founder of Orion Span, says in a press release published on Cision, "Orion Span has additionally taken what was historically a 24-month training regimen to prepare travelers to visit a space station and streamlined it to three months." There's a lot more to do than throw a new bikini into a carry-on when preparing for this kind of trip.
Ready to get your spacesuit on? Same. But you might want to check the status of your bank account first. The term "luxury" is not used lightly here when it comes to cost. Getting to space? Not so simple. Rotating around the Earth multiple times? Not so cheap. While this luxurious space station is open to non-astronauts, it will cost you "$9.5 million per person, or about $791,666 a night," according to Bloomberg Pursuits. Deposits are now being accepted at Orion Span for a cool $80,000. But don't worry, if you decide space isn't for you, it's fully refundable.
Despite the price tag, travelers are promised serious bang for their buck. And I'm not talking about easy access to top buffets or pools. When it comes to space, all-inclusive takes on a new meaning. The price includes the launch of Aurora Station into orbit, and then these lucky space tourists will spend 12 days orbiting around Earth. If you thought the view of the ocean from your vacation villa in Tulum was nice, wait until you experience a zero gravity suite with Earth views. The only downer — thanks to zero gravity — is that you probably won't find a chocolate waiting on your pillow when you come back from the space garden. (It's a thing!)
Orion Span writes in a press release, "Aurora Station guests will soar 200 miles above the Earth's surface in Low Earth Orbit, or LEO, where they will find stunning views of the Earth. The hotel will orbit Earth every 90 minutes, meaning those aboard will see an average of 16 sunrises and sunsets every 24 hours." Paris is cool, but talk about ~romance~.
If your definition of luxury is peace and quiet, you'll be well accommodated at Aurora Station. The luxurious space hotel will only cater to four guests at a time, plus two crew members. As for the aforementioned space garden? Orion Span mentions that guests will be able to get their hands on outer space gardening experiments. And what you grow in space can apparently clear customs so you can add something a little alien to your home kitchen.
This other worldly luxury can be experienced by Earthlings as soon as 2022. This slated launch date might seem like it's ~worlds~ away, but, think of it as significant time to save up. Use these years to dog sit or house sit or win the lottery and a few scratch off tickets. I just hope the rooms come with plush terra cloth robes and slippers too.