Olay's #FaceAnything Campaign Wants Women To Celebrate Their Strong Personalities

Odds are that you've been too something in your life — too tall, short, bossy, strong, loud. Well, get ready to reclaim it. Olay's #FaceAnything Campaign is inspiring all women to be unapologetically bold and true to themselves. Aly Raisman, Lilly Singh, Denise Bidot, and more are getting together for magazine spreads, New York-based ads, and even a makeup free fashion show to inspire others. Get ready to rid yourself of the "too."
According to Olay, "84 percent of women believes social media drives the expectation of beauty." That leads to people taking a predicted 25,700 selfies in their lifetime. Olay wants millennials to take control of their personalities and define their own expectation of beauty.
Kay Adams was called too driven. Now she embraces that she is driven. Aly Raisman was called too strong, before realizing that she is just strong. Seven others are coming together with the same message — be who you are to your fullest ability.
"I'm excited to be working with Olay because this campaign supports women being their authentic selves," Raisman says in the press release. "Women are often put into boxes and judged by society if they are seen as different or 'too' something. I'm proud to be involved with a campaign that celebrates women being comfortable in their own skin and speaking out for what they believe in. It reminds everyone to support one another and that you have a voice that should be heard. "
The #FaceAnything Campaign doesn't just feature incredible photos of the inspiring women though. The idea is to encourage all women to embrace their strong AF personalities. Olay does that by sharing these women's stories in a ten-page Vogue spread, on billboards all over New York, and a makeup-free runway during New York Fashion Week.
"I'm humbled to stand beside such a diverse group of incredible women whom I admire for their strengths and outspoken nature," Bidot says in the press release. "Representation is so important for all of us, especially millennials and the next generation. If we can all start to be strong and amplify these stories of breaking barriers together, we can change the world together and change the was confidence is derived."
That isn't it, either. The brand also created a 28-day social media challenge, where all the women involved in the campaign will share some of their favorite products. The idea is to get them ready for the makeup-free runway this fall.
Millennials have the possibility to change the perception of beauty once and for all. Whether you love wearing makeup or would rather go without it, beauty can mean anything — strong AF personality or not.
"As women, we all have insecurities, ranging from personality to body, etc. and the best way to tackle these challenging feelings is 'head-on' with a fearless demeanor," says Bidot. "I'm so grateful to Olay to be included in a movement so powerful and heartfelt. "
If this doesn't inspire you to stand up and embrace your personality, then I don't know what will. It's about time the world start considering beauty for what it really is — every single thing that you already are.