Nurx Is Offering Free Birth Control All Month For The Best Reason

Update: Right when women in the U.S. breathed a huge sigh of relief that Republican leaders decided to prevent a public defeat by not holding a vote to repeal Obamacare — the Affordable Care Act — the Trump administration switched things up. Under Obamacare, most employers were required to provide their employees with birth control coverage without copayments. However, on October 6, it was announced that Trump rolled back that birth control mandate. Now employers and insurers are allowed to refuse to provide coverage for birth control if they have a “religious or moral objection.” Of course, understandably, many people are fuming and tweeting about it, and continuing to fight against Trump’s new birth control decision.
Earlier: As you may have heard, right when women in the U.S. breathed a huge sigh of relief thatRepublican leaders decided to prevent a public defeat by not holding a vote to repeal Obamacare — the Affordable Care Act — the Trump administration switched things up. Under Obamacare, most employers were required to provide their employees with birth control coverage without copayments. However, on October 6, it was announced that Trump rolled back that birth control mandate. Now employers and insurers are allowed to refuse to provide coverage for birth control if they have a “religious or moral objection.” Of course, understandably, many people are fuming and tweeting about it, and continuing tofight against Trump’s new birth control decision. As you probably know by now, the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, has still not been repealed after three failed attempts. This is huge for Americans everywhere and to help women celebrate, Nurx, an app which provides birth control prescriptions and delivery, is offering free birth control to new users throughout the month of October. All you have to do is use the promo code ACA Lives.
"We strongly oppose any attempts to restrict access to reproductive health care," Co-Founder and CEO of Nurx, Hans Gangeskar, said in a press release. "Women should be able to access health care on their own terms; not on Donald Trump's. We at Nurx are committed to serve as a low-cost option for women and continue to deliver birth control for free." Hear, hear! Of course, women's health care and access to birth control was just one of many issues that would have been negatively impacted if the bill had been repealed… not to mention the millions of Americans who'd lose their health care as they now know it with Obamacare.
This was the GOP's last-ditch effort to repeal Obamacare, but Republican leaders decided to prevent a public defeat by not holding a vote. Instead, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will go from focusing on health care to tax reform, The Guardian reports. As far as birth control and women's health, the ACA requires health plans to cover at least one form of the 18 FDA-approved contraceptives. of course, this is a BIG deal.
"It's a precarious time in health care, with threats of repealing the ACA and looming concerns about rising health care premiums and costs," Dr. Michael Krychman, Executive Director of the Southern California Center for Sexual Health and Survivorship Medicine and co-author of The Sexual Spark: 20 Essential Exercises to Reignite the Passion, tells Bustle. "So it's a refreshing chance that we see a company, Nurx, so committed to women's reproductive health. It's nice that women still can be empowered to have choices over their reproductive needs."
How Does Nurx's Free Birth Control Work?
If you're a new Nurx user, you'll receive a $30 credit, aka up to two months of free birth control. But do it soon — it's only through the month of October. All you do is choose your birth control type and brand and answer a few questions, then a licensed physician reviews it. Afterwards, when the prescription is filled, you'll find the birth control on your doorstep. And if you don’t have insurance, you can still use Nurx — the app can connect you with brands for as low as $15, while keeping the delivery cost free.
Where Is Nurx Available?
Good news and bad news — Nurx is in a lot of states and coming to more soon. Bad news — it may not be in your state yet. The app is currently available in Texas, California New York, Washington, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Virginia, Florida, Indiana, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Michigan, Missouri, Minnesota, and the District of Columbia. Nurx plans to expand to more than 20 states in the coming weeks, so stay tuned.
Editor's note: This article has been updated from its original version.