Here's Ron Swanson's Coronavirus Survival Plan Straight From Nick Offerman

In a time of great panic, it's good to turn to those whose opinions we trust. And who better to ask about coronavirus than Parks and Recreation icon, and self-isolation enthusiast, Ron Swanson? With all of the fear surrounding COVID-19, Seth Meyers couldn't help but ask Nick Offerman about Ron Swanson's coronavirus survival plan during his March 12 Late Night With Seth Meyers appearance.
"I don't think he would necessarily notice," Offerman said. After all, Ron wouldn't even need a plan, because he'd already be prepared. Between his secluded cabin, his hunting and fishing talents, his construction skills, and his ability to live without technology, Ron probably wouldn't be worried about dealing with a pandemic. "But if he did," Offerman continued, "Leslie would probably send him a missive or some sort of message and he'd just take his family to one of his cabins in the woods where he was heading anyway and they would just enjoy some fishing and some items from his garden until things blew over."
For seven seasons on Parks and Recreation, Offerman portrayed Ron, aka Leslie Knope's best friend, who hated the government, doctors, and lawyers. If he could avoid people at all costs, he would. So, if he had to deal with something like the coronavirus, he probably wouldn't feed into the pandemic panic or let the virus affect is everyday demeanor.
Really, Ron would continue as normal and certainly wouldn't mind being quarantined, as long as he could do it in the woods with his wife and kids. In the words of Offerman, "When the sh*t goes down, Ron is all set up."
All jokes aside, the coronavirus should be taken seriously, especially since people have died from COVID-19 all across the globe. The World Health Organization (WHO) has even labeled the coronavirus a global pandemic. So, taking at least some cues from Ron Swanson might not be such a bad idea.
If you think you’re showing symptoms of coronavirus, which include fever, shortness of breath, and cough, call your doctor before going to get tested. If you’re anxious about the virus’s spread in your community, visit the CDC or NHS 111 in the U.K. for up-to-date information and resources, or seek out mental health support. You can find all of Bustle’s coverage of coronavirus here, and U.K.-specific updates on coronavirus here.