Today Is The First National "Booch" Day & Here Are The Kombucha Deals You Can Score

Kombucha fans, your time has come. Just like margarita lovers and avocado aficionados before you, kombucha now has a day. National Booch Day is Tuesday, January 15. Maybe the name isn't immediately recognizable, but if you saw it trending you'd probably think, "Excuse me, what?" and that's the point.
So, clearly, this isn't a real holiday. Booch Day was created by KeVita, a kombucha brand, and yes, there is a hashtag: #NationalBoochDay. That said, it is recognized by National Day Calendar, "the authoritative source for fun, unusual and unique National Days." They started with National Popcorn Day in 2013 and now keep track of almost 1,500 days, weeks, and months worth of... things. National Day Calendar describes the new day as follows: "the first-ever National Booch Day kicks off a delicious way to celebrate with kombucha fans, current and new."
National Day Calendar also has info on "how to observe", which sounds entirely too formal, but basically all you need to know is that KeVita has coupons on its site for buy one, get one free kombucha drinks, and a contest on its social media pages to win two prize packs. The coupons are available while supplies last through the end of January 15 and are limited to four per person.
If you want to try KeVita drinks — and that's literally the entire point of this day existing — then you should know they offer Sparkling Probiotic Drinks ("light, delicious, refreshing and fermented with KeVita’s water kefir culture"), Master Brew Kombucha ("invigorating with a bold and smooth taste, and fermented with a kombucha tea culture"), and Apple Cider Vinegar Tonic ("low-calorie, with a sweet and tangy apple cider taste and fermented with water kefir culture"). Flavors include Mango Coconut, Watermelon Rose, Lavender Melon, and Turmeric Ginger.
Of course, with there being nearly 1,500 occasions that National Day Calendar recognizes, there are bound to be some overlaps. In addition to National Booch Day, January 15 is also National Hat Day and National Strawberry Ice Cream Day. National Day Calendar notes that they were "unable to find the origin of National Hat Day", but that it can be observed by — you wont believe this — wearing a hat. There is also a hashtag: #NationalHatDay. As for National Strawberry Ice Cream Day, their "research was unable to find the creator of National Strawberry Ice Cream Day," but it can be celebrated by posting with the hashtag #StrawberryIceCreamDay (takes up a lot of characters, eh?) and the site also suggests some strawberry ice cream recipes.
National Booch Day also lands during National Mocktail Week, which was founded in 2018: "Celebrate those who choose a mocktail over a cocktail. Give them the support they need to continue in their lifestyle. Better yet, give a new mocktail a try." Kombucha is slightly alcoholic, so it doesn't exactly fit in.
Whether you love kombucha already or want to give it a try, the coupon might be the thing for you. And if you read all of this and thought, "Nah, I'm going for National Strawberry Ice Cream Day instead", that's totally acceptable, too.